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BlackKingdom ransomware still exploiting insecure Exchange servers

Remember Hafnium? Here's the bad news - it's not over yet! Learn why and what to do...

It’s three weeks since the word HAFNIUM hit the news.

The word Hafnium refers to a cybergang who are said to focus on stealing data from pretty much anyone and everyone they can infiltrate, across an eclectic range of industry sectors, and this time they hit a sort-of cybercrime jackpot.

The Hafnium crew, it turned out, not only knew about four zero-day vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange, but also knew how to exploit these bugs reliably in order to walk into unprotected networks almost at will.

The Exchange bugs didn’t include a remote code exeution (RCE) hole to give the crooks the direct and immediate access to a compromised server, but the bugs did allow the crooks to rig up RCE using a trick known as a webshell.

Greatly simplified, the attack goes like this:

  • Exploit the Exchange bugs to write a booby-trapped web file called a webshell onto a vulnerable server.
  • Trigger the booby-trapped web page hosting the webshell to run a Powershell (or similar) command to download further malware, such as a fully-featured backdoor toolkit.
  • Enter at will and, very loosely speaking, commit whatever cybercrimes are on today’s “to do” list.

Unfortunately, as we explained when this news first broke, the name Hafnium caused fourfold confusion:

  1. Although Hafnium is often written in ALL CAPS, it’s not an acronym, so it doesn’t stand for something specific that you can protect against and then stand down from.
  2. Although Hafnium refers to a specific cybergang, the zero-day exploits they were using were already widely known to other criminals, and working examples soon became available online for anyone and everyone to download and use, both for legitimate research and for launching attacks.
  3. Although Hafnium attacks were associated with Microsoft Exchange in media coverage, the attacks these crooks were carrying out once they got in were not specific to networks using Exchange. The cybercrimes they ultimately committed could be initiated in many other ways.
  4. Although Hafnium was associated with data exfiltration and thus with potential industrial espionage, intrusions via these Exchange bugs could lead to many other crimes, notably including ransomware attacks.

It’s the last of these issues that concerns us here, because the Sophos Managed Threat Response team recently investigated a number of cases in which networks that hadn’t been patched against the abovementioned Exchange bugs had been infiltrated and attacked by a strain of ransomware going by the dramatic name of BlackKingdom.

In case you’re wondering, the crooks variously refer to their own ransomware using two words, weirdly written Black KingDom, as well using one word, as we’ve written it here. (We’ll stick to BlackKingdom in order to make it clear that we are talking about a specific threat, in the same way that we might write WannaCry or TeslaCrypt.)

The bugs exploited in this case are now widely referred to as ProxyLogon, which is the popular name used to refer to attacks that start off by using the Exchange bug CVE-2021-26855, typically followed by using CVE-2021-27065 and perhaps CVE-2021-26857 and CVE-2021-26858. The name ProxyLogin is a better word to use than Hafnium if you’re specifically talking about an intrusion initiated by those bugs, because the name isn’t tied to any criminal gang, and doesn’t imply any specific reason for the attack.

How it works

If you’re after the low-level details of BlackKingdom, you’ll be glad to know that SophosLabs has published a technical analysis of the malware program that does the dirty work.

Read the Labs report if you want to find out exactly how the malware works, and to get indicators of compromise you can look for on your network and in your own logs.

Although BlackKingdom is not technically sophisticated, that’s cold comfort if it’s just scrambled all your files.

As SophosLabs put it:

[O]ur early analysis reveals that it is somewhat rudimentary and amateurish in its composition, but it can still cause a great deal of damage.

What it does

Like many families of ransomware, this one:

  • Skips folders needed to keep Windows running, including ‘C:\Windows’, ‘C:\Program Files (x86)’, ‘C:\Program Files’ and various folders under your ‘AppData’ directory. The crooks want to be sure you can still boot Windows, read their blackmail demand and get online to buy bitcoins to pay the extortion.
  • Stops any SQL server processes running, if the malware has administrator level powers, thus unlocking your database files so that they can be attacked along with everything else.
  • Scrambles files on all drives it can find, including mounted network drives and removable disks that were plugged in at the time.
  • Overwrites files in place, so there are no temporary copies of your unencrypted files left behind. This makes it hard to restore files by using disk recovery or “undelete” tools.
  • Chooses a new encryption key for each computer, so that the decryption key for one PC won’t work on another.
  • Never saves the decryption key to disk, so that you can’t undelete or easily recover it later. The malware uploads the key from your computer to an online file storage service, where the crooks can later download it but you can’t.
  • Pops up a blackmail demand when it’s done. The malware also writes a text file with the criminals’ demands in it to a file called decrypt_file.TxT.
  • Deletes the Windows Event logs, if it can, making it harder and more time consuming to try to figure out exactly what happened afterwards.

The blackmail demand starts like this:

| what happened           ?

We hacked your (( Network )), and now all files, 
documents, images, databases and other important data 
are safely encrypted using the strongest algorithms ever.
You cannot access any of your files or services .
But do not worry. You can restore everthing and get back 
business very soon ( depends on your actions )

before I tell how you can restore your data, 
you have to know certain things :

We have downloaded most of your data ( especially 
important data ) , and if you don't  
contact us within 2 days, your data will be released 
to the public.

The amount demanded is $10,000 in Bitcoin for each computer attacked:

1- Send the decrypt_file.txt file to the following email ===> [REDACTED]

2- send the following amount of US dollars ( 10,000 ) worth 
of bitcoin to this address :


3- confirm your payment by sending the transfer url to our email address

4- After you submit the payment, the data will be removed from our servers, 
and the decoder will be given to you, so that you can recover all your files.

Whether or not the criminals behind this attack really are routinely stealing their victims’ files before scrambling them, we aren’t sure.

However, as you will see from the SophosLabs analysis, the ransomware program that produces this message was installed and executed using the ProxyLogon exploits, which allow remote crooks to implant and run almost any program they want.

So even if they didn’t steal all your data first, they almost certainly could have

…and so could any other crooks who came across your unpatched servers before, during or after the BlackKingdom attack.

What to do?

  • Patch early, patch often. If you are at risk of a BlackKingdom attack unleashed via the ProxyLogon exploits, then your network is as good as open for anyone to get in and do almost anything, at any time they want.
  • Do your backups. That way you can recover from losing your data no matter how it happens. A simple memory aid is “3-2-1”, which means you should have at least three different copies (the one you are using now plus two or more spares), using at least two different backup systems (in case one should let you down), and with at least one copy stored offline and preferably offsite (where the crooks can’t tamper with it during an attack).
  • Peruse your logs. Crooks don’t always succeed at their first attempt, so keep your eye open for signs that an attack may be under way.
  • Consider an anti-virus with data scrambling protection. For example, Sophos endpoint products include CryptoGuard, which detects ransomware generically by how it behaves, not by what it looks like. If CryptoGuard spots what it thinks is a rogue file-encrypting program, it can not only step in to block the attack but also automatically reverse any encryption that’s happened so far.

By the way, there are a few peculiarities about the BlackKingdom malware that give you a small (though it may admittedly only be a very small) chance of recovering your data, even if you don’t have a backup, without paying the criminals for the decryption key.

So if you do end up as a victim of this attack, talk to someone you know and trust for advice before you rush into any ill-considered response.

If you have suffered any sort of cybercrime attack, including but not limited to ransomware, and you don’t have an IT partner of your own to turn to, the Sophos Managed Threat Response or Sophos Rapid Response team would be happy to hear from you.


Original video here:
Click the cog icon to speed up playback or show live subtitles.


Peruse your logs. Crooks don’t always succeed at their first attempt, so keep your eye open for signs that an attack may be under way.

All very well to say if you are a trained IT Security specialist – but then if you are, you will already be doing this?

But if you are not? Either because you are a small firm “relying” on an IT partner whose “offering” in terms of cybersecurity you don’t really understand or because you are an individual possibly with hosted webspace/email or even with a single PC? Reading log files would be like reading a thesaurus not just in a language we don’t understand but in a script so foreign that we are not even sure whether it reads left to right!

So for those of us say running a PC or two (Windows/Mac/Linux) connected via a modem-router (with presumably its own logfiles) to third party hosted email-servers and webspace, what does “Peruse your logs” actually mean in practice? Presumably part of your daily IT hygiene activities, but what should we be looking for, where and how? (“find”/”grep”?)


Good question, and strangely both easy and hard to answer :-)

That advice was largely aimed at the sort of company that *could* (and has a fairly good ides of how to) “peruse its logs”. Sadly, your rhetorical question does have an answer, namely that many companies, of all sizes, struggle to make the time to work through their logs, because, well, life’s like that. My point here, therefore, is simply to say, “Because your network’s worth it.”

For home users, however, “how to do it” really is a tough question to answer, especially where your router is concerned, because every manufacturer/vendor/ISP/firmware flavout seems to do it differently.

As a starting point, I recommend logging into your router’s web interface (hopefully it’s on;ly accesible from inside!) and learning your way around, just so you know what information you can get out of it when needed.

Whenever I get a new router I spend an hour or so trying all the options on every menu on every screen, and I jot down the location of useful-looking settings or info pages so I can find them easily next time, e.g. how to review which inbound connections are allowed and edit them, how to generate a list of all devices that are (or have been) on the network since last time I looked, and what sort of text-based logfiles I can download (and what settings exist to discard info I think I am simply never going to use, to keep the logs more manageable). Sometimes, uaeful information gets hidden away N levels deep in tabs+menus+options, and unless you go spelunking you may never find it.

Then I download sample logfiles and pore over them for a while, and (as you suggest) practise searching them for useful-looking strings with simle tools like find/grep. If I can, I will try probing my own router from outside first in order to see what the log entries look like for known-good and known-bad connection attempts.

If nothing else, make sure you review your connection list from time to time – not so much to catch out any nosy neighbours, but to make sure that old devices you thought you had disconnected, like the “old” smart TV that is no longer getting Android security updates, really *did* get removed from your network.

Also, remember to go in and download/clean old log entries regularly, given that your router probably doesn’t have much storage.

PS. If you have port 22 (SSH) open, be prepared for a *lot* (hundreds? thousands? millions?) of failed login attempts. Automated scanners typically find you within a few minutes of your modem connecting. Moving SSH to another randimly chosen port will not improve security, but you might want to do it anyway because it will almost certainly reduce the SSH “log spam” you get.


Thanks for your detailed reply – which prompted me to revisit my router logs (which I do not examine as much as the server logs on my (external) webhost – which has previously been attacked).

My router (Linksys – piggybacked on an old netgear modem/router) does not have extensive logs (I expect that it also dumps logs after a given period – the logs are pretty short, but I cannot find in the documentation any reference to them being “rolling x hours” logs)

No unexpected “active” devices under the “Status” page – although the DHCP client list does list more devices (but again no surprises – includes inactive devices)

“Incoming Log” is empty – presumably it means “nothing coming in other than in response to web requests and email polling” from me – so good – I think!

“Outgoing Log” is sparse; a short list without timestamps of (for the last 24 hours):
Lan IP Address – constant 192.168. etc – OK
Destination URL – remarkably few unique hosts when I manually(!) do a WhoIs? check on each one: My web/email host, my ISP, Google LLC, Amazon technologies, Amazon, Automattic (WordPress), Fastly, Akamai Technologies, Canonical Group, (I have visited far more websites during this time – including Sophos – but presumably they are hidden behind my ISP)
Service* – imap, pop3s, www, “domain” (to my ISP), https, pop3, ntp

“Security Log” – empty (LAN IP address | MAC address | Timestamp | Authentication result)

“DHCP Log” – empty (LAN IP address | MAC address | Timestamp | Message Type)

* Service
No SSH – which is good although I see no setting on the router to turn it off / prohibit it
So the pop3 should not be there, I have tracked down the relevant email account and changed it to Port 995.
Not sure why Amazon technologies should attempt to use ntp – presumably an Amazon AWS client (but who and what are they doing? Canonical doing an Ubuntu update?).
Also, strangely no “http” even though a lot of abbreviated links in (trusted) emails (typically news briefings from well known publications e.g. Scientific American ) are http – triggering a “no https” warning in Firefox; I have to continue with http and they then resolve to an https link.

So the review raises a few questions that I do not know how to resolve and leaves me feeling “other than that everything looks OK” – but with an uncomfortable feeling that perhaps the logs are not telling me enough? I suspect that this is typical of many home / home office users?

Time to flash my router with third party router software that might tell me more?


Linksys was the brand that inspired OpenWRT in the first place… just make sure your model is properly supported. If you have a separate modem then you are in a good position.

If you’re feeling adventurous (by which I mean if you have a spare computer, e.g. laptop) you could try the Sophos Firewall Home Edition. You get everything for free (including malware scanning, email filtering, web filtering, IPS, VPN and so on):


Thanks again – I have been toying with Sophos Firewall Home Edition. You are right to say “if you are feeling adventurous”:
– I am happy about installing a specialist OS (it is how I set up my laptops with Linux), so that is not too adventurous
– “What you need: Intel compatible computer with dual network interfaces.” How many laptops have dual network interfaces (or are they virtual?)? If so I struggle to visualise the physical set-up; presumably not an ethernet chain [modem/router ->- firewall laptop ->- main router]?
– I have an old but 64bit Intel laptop (Intel Celeron Dual-Core T3100 2 x 1.9 GHz) with a dead graphics chip (but the HDMI interface works) with a single Ethernet port which might be OK, but what happens to the throughput if you try and use an old USB port on an already oldish laptop as a network port?
(The Sophos support forums require me to register, but when I attempt to do so I find that all the “registration fields” are actually images, so I seem excluded?)

I have previously wondered about getting a mini-PC with a couple of ethernet adaptors (were about £350); if Sophos recommended such hardware I would go for it with more confidence.

On the other hand my Linksys router is compatible with OpenWRT! (Presumably your reference to being in a good position with a modem router is referring to having a backup provision should I brick my router?)


You could try just setting up your Sophos Home appliance in a VM with two virtual interfaces, one set up to NAT its way onto the internet and the other set up to map onto the host adapter so that the appliance is bridged (is that the right word?) onto your LAN.

If you run the VM “headless” then you won’t need a screen on the laptop. (And laptops with even a bit of battery life left have a built-in UPS!)

Or you could try plugging in a $5 USB-to-Ethernet dongle that you know Linux will readily recognise. (Our Firewall appliance is Linux based.) I haven’t tried this myself but I am assuming it will work…

There is also an official way (more precisely, there was the last time I tried it :-) to get a console login to your appliance so in theory I suspect you could set up two interfaces on one physical port, using different IP subnets, but that approach would be more of a science project than usual.

Given that you have a spare computer you might as well try it – the appliance licence costs $0 so you can have your money back if it doesn’t work, hahahahaha.


Great article and another eye-opener, thanks Paul. Due to its severity, it’s good to see that Sophos’ knowledge of this particular threat and mitigation is continuously driven.

“What to do?
Patch early, patch often. If you’re genuinely think uou are at risk…” doesn’t read quite right :)

However, the message is very clear. Patching this threat (and in general) should be a priority for us all.


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