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Tor and anonymous browsing – just how safe is it?

How to stay safe when you're using Tor, even if the network is littered with rogues.

An article published on the open-to-allcomers blogging site Medium earlier this week has made for some scary headlines.
Written as an independent research piece by an author going only by nusenu, the story is headlined:

How Malicious Tor Relays are Exploiting Users in 2020 (Part I)
[More than] 23% of the Tor network’s exit capacity has been attacking Tor users

Loosely speaking, that strapline implies that if you visit a website using Tor, typically in the hope of remaining anonymous and keeping away from unwanted surveillance, censorship or even just plain old web tracking for marketing purposes…
…then one in four of those visits (perhaps more!) will be subject to the purposeful scrutiny of cybercriminals.
That sounds more than just worrying – it makes it sound as though using Tor could be making you even less secure than you already are, and therefore that going back to a regular browser for everything might be an important step.
So let’s look quickly at how Tor works, how crooks (and countries with strict rules about censorship and surveillance) might abuse it, and just how scary the abovementioned headline really is.

The Tor network (Tor is short for the onion router, for reasons that will be obvious in a moment if you imagine an onion coming apart as you peel it), which was originally designed by the US Navy, aims:

  1. To disguise your true location on the network while you browse, so servers don’t know where you are.
  2. To make it difficult for anyone to “join the dots” by tracing your web browsing requests back to your computer.

At this point, you might be thinking, “But that’s exactly what a VPN does, and not just for my browsing but for everything I do online.”
But it’s not.
A VPN (virtual private network) encrypts all your network traffic and relays it in scrambled form to a VPN server run by your VPN provider, where it’s unscrambled and “injected” onto the internet as if it originated from that VPN server.
Any network replies are therefore received by your VPN provider on your behalf, and delivered back to you in encrypted form.
The encrypted connection between your computer is dubbed a VPN tunnel, and is, in theory, invisible to, or at least unsnoopable by, other people online.
So, as you can see, a VPN deals with the first issue listed above: disguising your true location on the network.
But a VPN doesn’t deal with the second issue, namely making it difficult for anyone to “join the dots”.
Sure, a VPN makes it difficult for most people to join the dots, but it doesn’t prevent everyone from doing do, for the simple reason that the VPN provider always knows where your requests come from, where they’re going, and what data you ultimately send and receive.
Your VPN provider therefore essentially becomes your new ISP, with the same degree of visibility into your online life that a regular ISP has.

Why not use two VPNs?

At this point, you’re probably thinking, “Why not use two VPNs in sequence? In jargon terms, why not build a tunnel-inside-a-tunnel?
You’d encrypt your network traffic for VPN2 to decrypt, then encrypt it again for VPN1 to decrypt, and send it off to VPN1.
So VPN1 would know where your traffic came from and VPN2 would know where it was going, but unless the two providers colluded they’d each know only half the story.
In theory, you’d have fulfilled both of the aims above by a sort of divide-and conquer approach, because anyone who wanted to track you back would first need to get decrypted traffic logs from VPN2, and then to get username details from VPN1 before they could start to “join the dots”.

Why stop at two?

As you can imagine, even using two VPNs, you’re not totally home and dry.
Firstly, by using the same two VPNs every time, there is an obvious pattern to your connections, and therefore a consistency in the trail that an investigator (or a crook) could follow to try to trace you back.
For all that your traffic follows a complicated route, it nevertheless takes the same route every time, so it might be worth the time and effort for a criminal (or a cop) to work backwards through both layers of VPN, even if that means double the amount of hacking or twice as many warrants.
Secondly, there’s always a possibility that the two VPN providers you choose might ultimately be owned or operated by the same company.
In other words, the technical, physical and legal separation between the two VPNs might not be as significant as you might expect – to the point that they might not even need to collude at all to track you back.
So why not use three VPNs, with one in middle that knows neither who you are nor where you’re ultimately going?
And why not chop and change those VPNs on a regular basis, to add yet more mix-and-mystery into the equation?
Well, very greatly simplified, that’s pretty much how Tor works.
A pool of computers, offered up by volunteers around the world, act as anonymising relays to provide what is essentially a randomised, multi-tunnel “mix-and-mystery” VPN for people who browse via the Tor network.
For most of the past year the total number of relays available to the Tor network has wavered between about 6000 and 7000, with every Tor circuit that’s set up using three relays, largely at random, to form a sort-of three-tunnel VPN.
Your computer chooses which relays to use, not the network itself, so there is indeed a lot of ever-changing mix-and-mystery involved in bouncing your traffic through the Tor network and back.

Your computer fetches the public encryption keys for each of the relays in the circuit that it’s setting up, and then scrambles the data you’re sending using three onion-like layers of encryption, so that at each hop in the circuit, the current relay can only strip off the outermost layer of encryption before handing over the data to the next.
Relay 1 knows who you are, but not where you are going or what you want to say.
Relay 3 knows where you are going but not who you are.
Relay 2 keeps the other two relays apart without knowing either who you are or where you are going, making it much harder for relays 1 and 3 to collude even if they are minded to do so.

It’s not quite that random

In the chart above, you’ll notice that the green line in the middle denotes special Tor relays known as guards, or entry guards in full, which are the subset of working relays deemed suitable for the first hop in a 3-relay circuit.
(For technical reasons, Tor actually uses the same entry guard for all your connections for about two months at time, which reduces the randomness in your Tor circuits somehwat, but we shall ignore that detail here.)
Similarly, the orange line at the bottom denotes exits, or exit nodes in full, which are relays that are deemed reliable enough to be selected for the last hop in a circuit.
Note that here are only about 1000 exit nodes active at any time, from the 6000 to 7000 relays available overall.
You can probably see where this is going.
Although Tor’s exit nodes can’t tell where you are, thanks to the anonymising effects of the entry guard and middle relay (which changes frequently), they do get to see your final, decrypted traffic and its ultimate destination, because it’s the exit node that strips off Tor’s final layer of mix-and-mystery encryption.
(When you browse to regular websites via Tor, the network has no choice but to emit your raw, original, decrypted data for its final hop on the internet, or else the site you were visiting wouldn’t be able to make any sense of it.)
In other words, if you use Tor to browse to a non-HTTPS (unencrypted) web page, then the Tor exit node that handles your traffic can not only snoop on and modify your outgoing web requests but also mess with any replies that come back.
And with just 1000 exit nodes available on average, a crook who wants to acquire control of a sizeable percentage of exits doesn’t need to set up thousands or tens of thousands of servers – a few hundred will do.
And this sort of intervention is what nusenu claims to have detected in the Tor network on a scale that may sometimes involved up to a quarter of the exit nodes available.
More specifically, Nusenu claims that, at times during 2020, hundreds of Tor relays in the “exit node” list were set up by criminally-minded volunteers with ulterior motives:

The full extent of their operations is unknown, but one motivation appears to be plain and simple: profit. They perform person-in-the-middle attacks on Tor users by manipulating traffic as it flows through their exit relays. […] It appears that they are primarily after cryptocurrency related websites — namely multiple bitcoin mixer services. They replaced bitcoin addresses in HTTP traffic to redirect transactions to their wallets instead of the user provided bitcoin address. Bitcoin address rewriting attacks are not new, but the scale of their operations is. It is not possible to determine if they engage in other types of attacks.

Simply put, Nusenu alleges that these crooks are waiting to prey upon cryptocurrency users who think that Tor on its own is enough to secure both their anonymity and their data, and who therefore browse via Tor but don’t take care to put https:// at the start of new URLs that they type in.

HTTP considered harmful

For better or worse, a lot of the time you can ignore the https:// when you type URLs into your browser, and you’ll still end up on an HTTPS site, encrypted and padlock-protected.
Often, the server at the other end will react to an HTTP request with a reply that says, “From now on, please don’t use plain old HTTP any more,” and your browser will remember this and automatically upgrade all future connections to that site so they use HTTPS.
Those “never use HTTP again” replies implement what is known as HSTS, short for HTTP Strict Transport Security, and they are supposed to keep you secure from snooping and traffic manipulation even if you never stop to think about it.
But there’s a chicken-and-egg problem, namely that if the crooks intercept your very first non-HTTPS connection to a website that you really ought to be accessing via HTTPS only, before the “no more HTTPS” message gets across, they may be able to:

  • Keep you talking HTTP to their booby-trapped exit node while talking HTTPS onwwards to the final destination. This makes the final site think you’re communicating securely, but prevents you from realising that the destination site wants you to talk HTTPS.
  • Rewrite any replies from the final destination to replace any HTTPS links with HTTP. This prevents your browser from upgrading to HTTPS later on in the transaction, thus keeping you stuck with plain old HTTP.

What to do?

Here are some tips:

  • Don’t forget to type https:// at the start of the URL! For historical reasons, browsers still default to HTTP until they know better, so the sooner you visit a site by explicitly typing https:// at the start of the URL, the sooner you protect yourself by making your intentions obvious.
  • If you run a website, always use HSTS to tell your visitors not to use HTTP next time.
  • If you run a website where privacy and security are non-negotiable, consider applying to add your site to the HSTS Preload list. This is a list of websites for which all major browsers will always use HTTPS, whatever the URL says.
  • If your browser supports it, or has a plugin to enforce it, consider turning off HTTP support completely. For example, Firefox now has a non-default configuration feature called Some older sites might not work properly with this setting turned on, but if you are serious about security, give it a try!


Turning on HTTP-only mode in Firefox.
1. Go to about:config. 2. Search for https_only_mode. 3. Toggle option on.

Trying to visit an HTTP page where HTTPS is unavailable or blocked.

(Sadly, Firefox’s “HTTPS-only” option isn’t yet available [2020-08-13T19:00Z] in the Tor browser, which is still using an Extended Support Release version where this feature hasn’t yet appeared.)


If you want to be completely anonymous (and virus free), use a remote browser.
The browser runs on a server in the cloud which completely hides the actual device that is doing the browsing. All browsing evidence (cookies, trackers and malware) stay on the server and never reach your computer.


Sure. What could *possibly* go wrong with a system like that?
Seriously, DON’T DO THAT!
You’re letting *someone else’s* browser take charge of your web sessions, so that *someone else* has control over your authentication tokens, *someone else* has access to all the data you put into every web form before it gets encrypted and submitted (for many sites that will include data such as usernames, passwords, 2FA codes and much, much more), *someone else* gets the unencrypted copy of all data sent back from remote sites, and *someone else* gets to decide what to show you as the rendered version of the web pages you view.
HTTPS while browsing directly from your computer to someone else’s server gives you end-to-end encryption (unless you live in a country that makes “man-in-the-middle” interception mandatory by ISPs or the government) and that is what you want. Browsing from someone else’s “cloud based” virtual browser is end-to-someone-else encryption, which is just as dangerous as it sounds.
Browsing via someone else’s browser in the cloud is like phoning up your buddy and asking them to browse for you, telling them what to type in whenever they get stuck or need a password, assuming they don’t sneakily take screenshots along the way, assuming they don’t have malware that logs all their keystrokes anyway, assuming they tell you accurately what appears on the screen, assuming they actually click the buttons you were hoping, assuming they don’t “mess around a bit” while they’re logged into your Instagram without telling you just because they can, assuming they really did click “clear cookies” correctly when you asked, and so on and so on. It ends in tears, and that’s with someone you know and trust.
Browsing your own online world via someone else’s browser in the cloud is like giving them an informal power of attorney over your digital life. Seriously, DON’T DO IT.


I can’t speak for the person suggesting a cloud browser, but I interpreted that as creating my own cloud VM with a browser that I use, not as using some sort of “browser as a service”, which does indeed sound like a bad idea.


The OP spoke of a “remote browser” and I have indeed come across an online product that offers what you call a “browser as a service” – not for automated testing of your websites with N different browsers in Y different environments (a use case I could fully understand) but as an alternative to using a VPN for so-called secure and anonymous browsing. My eyes boggled. $99 a year and a business address that’s a US maildrop…


Still a bad idea, because it’s still putting “your browser” on “someone else’s computer”.


Indeed, and the important detail there is that you have to send original, unencrypted data into the browser to make it work – any HTTPS encryption applied by the remote browser only happens *after* that browser sees exactly what you intended to transmit (including passwords, payment card numbers, 2FA codes and more). So using a service like this would be like using an ISP or a VPN that forced you to do all your browsing insecurely via HTTP, even activities such as doing online banking, sending and receiving webmail, visiting porn sites, processing cryptocoin transactions, the lot. If you use webmail for your business, using a remote browser would be akin to business email compromise, inflicted on yourself!


The phrase “person-in-the-middle attacks” reminded me of a great George Carlin routine emphatically stressing how language becomes less effective when diluted.
50% politics, 50% educational, 50% humor, and 100% genius.
Currently (2020-08-19_T19:50UTC) can be found by searching
George Carlin soft language
Lacks the specific bit I was recalling, but the best part is right up front.


Using a remote browser neither solves the problem nor circumvents it. In fact, you’re simply creating yet another link in the interception chain.


And one that is unencrypted *all the way to the bottom* – that’s a level of interception that is denied to Tor exit nodes and regular VPNs if you use HTTPS.


set to false might also shut off the http. I don’t think however, that it provides for the smooth transition over to https.


I tried that; it didn’t work when typing URLs at the address bar. (I set network.protocol-handler.expose.http = false and already had network.protocol-handler.external.http = false.)
I assume that support for directly visiting websites from the address bar doesn’t count as triggering a “protocol-handler”. (Also, the documentation I saw noted “these settings don’t work on Windows” – I assume the type associations in the OS itself are used instead.)


If the cloud can’t be trusted to protect your data, why is anyone using the cloud at all? Banks and all varieties of companies have already got your information in the cloud.


The problem is not “the cloud”. The problem is “who gets to fiddle with what data and how”. If I encrypt my data and then back it up on your computer, you can destroy it to spite me or lose it through carelessness… but you can’t read it to spy on me or sneakily modify it to defraud me. But if I don’t encrypt it while it is in your hands then have to trust you at least as much as I trust myself. That’s about the long and short of it.


The other solution to the HTTP issue is to use the EFF’s HTTPS Everywhere plugin. It redirects you to HTTPS on many sites even if the site itself doesn’t normally redirect you to HTTPS.
The Tor browser actually comes bundled with it.


As you say, it works “on many sites” (and is built into Tor these days)…
…but even HTTPS Everywhere isn’t quite. There used to be a plugin called HTTP Nowhere which really was what it said. It seems to be defunct now.


Thanks for this useful piece.
Following your directions, I switched the Firefox preference below from False to True:
When I did that, this setting also appeared to automatically switch to True (as it did in your screenshot):
So, I have two questions:
It is correct that *both* of these prefs should be set to True (if https-only browsing is what the user wants)?
And, if I toggle back to False, should I also toggle back to False as well?
Incidentally, when I try to toggle back to False, the other pref does not automatically change back — it remains as True.


I am not quite sure about the “ever_enabled” setting – I just assumed it was there for Mozilla to track how many people had tried the new option but then turned it back off. I assume that setting “ever_enabled” to false when “https_only_mode” is still true makes no difference to the browser’s immediate behaviour, and that the option exists for statistics-gathering purposes, perhaps related to helping decide what defaults are most appropriate.


Hi! Thanks for this piece, I’m just a student so I’m still exploring here.
But I’m wondering- would it be possible to have our own “exit nodes” (tor -> vpn) to address the issue of a rogue exit node? I understand that this implicates that our since our exit is always the same (from vpn), but say if that vpn is from a trustworthy company (or set up ourselves in an offshore server), would this increase or decrease the effects of what tor gives us?


Many techies run a VPN at home so that when they are on the road they can connect back through it and not have to worry about the security (or otherwise) of the Wi-Fi in the coffee shop, hotel lobby, train station, etc. The idea is that this puts you in a position where your network traffic is no less secure than it would be at home… but it obviously doesn’t disguise the fact that you are connecting from home.
If you were to tunnel your web browsing through a Tor connection into a web proxy or VPN tunnel of your own, it would be a bit like using Tor with the same exit node evey time, so your traffic wouldn’t seem to “shuffle round the internet” as it does when you are using Tor.


First of all thanks for this, it helped me a lot. But i have a question: i’m using my phone as a hotspot to have internet access with my computer as i dont have regular wifi. Is it safe?


In theory it’s like browsing via a wired connection at home only with a different ISP (the mobile phone company instead of the landline/cable/fibre company). If you keep your mobile phone patched and are conservative in the apps you choose then you should in theory be no less secure than with a landline at home used with a home router..


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