Articles Tagged
Customs and Border Patrol
May 09, 2017
Artist who arrived home in San Francisco faced 'unconstitutional' demands to unlock his phone
April 06, 2017
Lawmakers from both sides of both houses propose bill to require warrants before Americans' devices are searched at border crossings - although foreigners' phones would remain liable to search
April 05, 2017
Latest suggestion on 'extreme vetting' extends scope beyond the majority-Muslim countries already under Trump's spotlight and could require visitors to provide social media passwords
March 27, 2017
Officials warn of a 'labor-intensive' extension will create logistical and administrative hurdles
February 22, 2017
Senator warns that border agents' 'digital dragnets' are distracting them from actual threats
February 14, 2017
There's been an outcry at the experience of a NASA engineer detained on arrival in the US - but your rights if this happens to you aren't clear
December 29, 2016
Privacy advocates condemn US immigration asking for visitors' social media account names
June 29, 2016
...because of course nefarious people share their cunning plans on social media and want to make sure DHS can find out all about them.