Sophos ZTNA
Products and Services PRODUCTS & SERVICES

ZTNA as a Service

Jump on-board with the early access program (EAP).

The recent launch of our ZTNA 2.0 early access program, enabled a new deployment model for Zero Trust Application Access we call ZTNA as a Service, or ZTNAaaS.  The reception to this EAP has been extremely positive, and if you haven’t jumped on-board already, please do so to help us make this release the best it can be.

Zero Trust as a Cloud Service

Sophos ZTNA 2.0 makes deployments for Zero Trust easier than ever thanks to replacing virtual gateways with lightweight ZTNA connectors on the application hosting side that establish outbound connections to the Sophos Cloud.  This new deployment option eliminates the need for firewall NAT configuration which has received a ton of positive feedback.

This not only makes deployment much simpler, it also enhances security by eliminating open firewall ports to the internet, and effectively making the application inaccessible and completely invisible to the outside world.

With ZTNaaS, Sophos Cloud now brokers the secure connections between your zero trust endpoints and ZTNA connectors. The new ZTNA connectors are available on the same popular virtual and cloud platforms: VMware, Hyper-V, and AWS.

Sophos ZTNA is managed from Sophos Central (now with a new Dark Mode option) and tightly integrated with Intercept X

ZTNAaaS cloud points of presence (PoPs) are available in:

  • Europe (Ireland and Frankfurt)
  • North America (Ohio and Oregon)
  • Asia Pacific (Mumbai and Sydney)

You can define your preferred cloud point of presence when setting up your connectors.

Of course, if you prefer to manage and maintain the data plane using ZTNA gateways, you can continue to do that as well.  And if you want to run a hybrid environment with both gateways and cloud brokered connectors, you can do that as well.

Head over to the Sophos ZTNA community forums for full details on how to get started and also take advantage of our new macOS agent access as well.

Sophos ZTNA is the most innovative Zero Trust Access solution on the market, but don’t take my word for it, see what Frost & Sullivan had to say.