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S3 Ep87: Follina, AirTags, ID theft and the Law of Big Numbers [Podcast]

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Click-and-drag on the soundwaves below to skip to any point. You can also listen directly on Soundcloud.

  • [00’24”] Computer Science in the 1800s.
  • [02’56”] Fixing Follina.
  • [08’15”] AirTag stalking.
  • [16’22”] ID theft site seizure.
  • [19’41”] The Law of Big Numbers versus SMS scams.

With Doug Aamoth and Paul Ducklin.

Intro and outro music by Edith Mudge.


You can listen to us on Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and anywhere that good podcasts are found. Or just drop the URL of our RSS feed into your favourite podcatcher.


i miss readinf. no more pod casts. provide a trascript pls.


Plenty of articles on Naked Security!

Please bear in mind that we research, prepare, record, edit and publish our podcasts for people who *do* like to listen to audio content (as well as or instead of written stuff), not for people who don’t.

We do sometimes provide transcripts if we think they will be particularly useful (e.g. to help non-native English speakers follow along when we know we’ve used weird words or discuss really major issues).

But the simple truth is that written and spoken English are as good as two different languages. We don’t write articles as if they were speeches, and we don’t record podcasts simply as “spoken writing”, and they aren’t meant to be interchangeable.

Those who like reading are already well-served here; the podcasts are just extra content for people who like podcasts as well. If you don’t like podcasts to the point that you won’t listen to this one, then it seems unlikely you will suddenly start liking it just because we (by which I mean me – and it is really hard work!) write it down word-for-word.

As you will see, we always link to the articles we discuss (and we almost always stick to items we have already dealt with in writing). So if you miss reading, there are three links in this article alone that should cheer you up!


I, too, would prefer to read transcripts rather than listen to podcasts. I read MUCH faster than people speak. Podcasts waste my time, so I don’t use them.


A suggestion for people who might like to see all that is said in a podcast, Android 10 and up now have “Live Captioning” that can auto-generate captions on speech the newer smart phones hear in audio being played. I use Android’s Live Captioning to add text to my Audible audio books and to the FM Radio audio from talk shows and sports casts. To enable it on my Moto G Stylus with Android 11, all I do is press the volume down button, and then press the small box that shows just below the volume slider on the screen. If the box is slashed, live captions are off. If the slash is off, live captions will be enabled. When the live captions appear, they start as only one or two lines. To make more lines appear, double-tap inside the caption window and it will enlarge to more lines. The live captioning can increase battery drain a little, but seems a nice feature to me. The processing for it is done on the phone and does not require any online connections and could be used even in airplane mode with non-DRM mp3 audiobook files. (Audible might require connection to resume for Whispersync functions). Because my Moto G Stylus 2022 model (manufactured 2022-03-04) does have an FM radio receiver and Moto’s FM Radio app, I can also use it with the local broadcast radio stations to make live captions. When music plays, it just says [Music] and won’t produce the lyrics. I had no idea this (Live captioning) feature was available in Android 10 and up until I just got this new phone last week.
I will probably use it with the Podcasts if I listen to one when I have spare time. I appreciate all the hard work and research put into these articles and do share them with my friends, recommending to them that they also subscribe to the newsletters. :)


I much prefer the written word. I can read far faster than any podcast, and can save a copy for future reference. Podcasts are a nuisance in an office environment as I have to get out headphones. The only benefit of a podcast is multitasking so I can listen while doing something else.


What a week!
I feel the need to appreciate the ongoing and hard work of the podcast creators.
*raises glass*
Not to mention the plethora of benefits of podcasts ‘full stop’; the personality of these here creators, their analysis and reaction to the news really helps further my education and helps me deliver it effectively to others.
Long may it continue!


Thanks for your kind words.

As you say, the idea of the podcast is not to be an article that’s read out, but a different way of presenting content that is consumed in a totally different way (more slowly, more passively, and less like working through a textbook).

We know that more people read our articles than listen to the podcasts, but we also know that many people seem to enjoy both.

There’s a time for reading at high speed (e.g. when catching up on general news); there’s a time for reading slowly and carefully (e.g. when working through a cryptographic vulnerability); and there’s a time for listening laconically (e.g. when revisiting a topic you’ve already read about to hear what other people think about it).

How often do you see people reading technical textbooks while on the train to work? And how often do you see people watching TV shows or movies, or listening to music or podcasts?


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