
Sophos Celebrates Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Sophos' Professionals of Color Network is proud to commemorate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month by sharing some insightful events and online resources with our global team.

Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month recognizes the many contributions and significant influence of Asians and Pacific Islanders to the history, culture, and achievements to our global community. Typically celebrated in May in Canada and the United States, the UK also celebrates South Asian Heritage Month from mid-July to mid-August.

Our Professionals of Color (Poc) Network is proud to commemorate this month by sharing some insightful events and online resources with our global team that highlight the contributions of Asians and Pacific Islanders and celebrating our inspirational employees of Asian and Pacific Islander heritage.

Guest speaker, Mita Mallick, cohost of The Brown Table Talk Podcast, which shares stories and tips on how to help women of color win at work, will share her experience and advice with Sophos employees. The PoC Network will also be hosting a round of trivia covering Asian history and facts, as well as sharing relevant podcasts, recommended reading, and recipes from across the globe, from Chicken Briyani to Yao Hon.

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a rise in violence and acts of hate against members of the global Asian community. In light of the ongoing anti-Asian aggression, we are also providing some upcoming training resources for our Sophos team to take part in.

Sophos firmly believes that diversity, combined with inclusion, builds a better company. Diversity strengthens our teams and results, and we are honored to have such a diverse and talented global team.

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