Sophos News

Stopping Gootloader with Sophos Intercept X

Sophos researchers have recently released detailed research into Gootloader, a complex malware delivery platform used in a wide range of attacks, including ransomware.

Gootloader attackers hack into legitimate websites and subtly alter the content so the website can show different content to different visitors.

The criminal operators manipulate search engine optimization (SEO) so that when someone types a question into a search engine such as Google, the hacked websites appear among the top results.

What happens next depends upon their country location:

Different countries, different attacks

Gootloader is currently delivering Kronos financial malware in Germany, and a post-exploitation tool called Cobalt Strike in the US and South Korea.

The attackers have also delivered REvil ransomware and the Gootkit trojan itself as payloads. Earlier operations targeted France.

Stopping Gootloader with Sophos Intercept X

Sophos Intercept X protects users by detecting the actions and behaviors of malware like Gootloader in multiple ways.

  1. The first stage javascript files is detected as: AMSI/GootLdr-A
  2. The PowerShell loader is detected as: AMSI/Reflect-H or Exec_12a

AMSI (Anti-Malware Scanning Engine) is included in all Sophos endpoint and server subscriptions managed through Sophos Central, and is available for Windows 10 and Server 2016+.

The PowerShell loader is detected as Exec_12a, this is a detection from our new behavioral engine which is included in all Sophos endpoint and server subscriptions managed through Sophos Central, with no minimum platform requirements.

Both the AMSI and Exec_12a policies are on by default and customers do not need to take any action to benefit from these protection features.

In both cases, admins will be notified of any detections via the local UI popup and the Events display in Sophos Central. In addition, both will likely generate threat cases for customers with Intercept X Advanced, and Intercept X Advanced with EDR subscriptions.

  1. Dynamic Shellcode protection identifies Gootloader in memory and automatically blocks it

Dynamic Shellcode protection is included in all Intercept X Advanced and Intercept X Advanced with EDR subscriptions for both endpoint and server. For more information on this feature, click here.

  1. IOCs for threat hunting and proactive blocking

Sophos EDR customers can access Indicators of Compromise on the SophosLabs Github, including SHAs, domains and IPs that customers can use as part of their Live Discover threat hunting, or proactive blocking.

Additional best practice advice to stop Gootloader

In addition to benefiting from the protections in Intercept X, here are some additional steps you can take to avoid Gootloader:

Try Intercept X today

Visit our website for more information on Intercept X for endpoints and servers, and to start a no-obligation 30-day free trial.

For more information on Gootloader, read the detailed research report from SophosLabs.