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Phishing tricks that really work – and how to avoid them

As two people for whom creating phishing emails constitutes legitimate employment (we are on the product team behind the Sophos Phish Threat phishing simulation service) we know we’re in the minority.
Like our not-so-lawful counterparts, we spend our days using social engineering techniques to trick people into opening malicious messages and clicking on links they ought to leave alone.
Understanding the attackers’ approach helps you spot a phishing email when it hits your inbox.
Having written and tracked the performance of hundreds of simulated phishing emails, we’d like to share our approach so you can raise the red flag quickly.
In general, there are four main steps phishers go through when creating convincing phishing emails, and understanding these steps helps you to spot and stop them.

Step 1: Pick your target

Different people fall for different tricks, so the more information you have about your target the easier it is to craft a convincing phishing lure.
The audience may be broad, for example users of a particular bank or people who need to do a tax return, or it may be very specific – such as a particular role within an organization or even a specific individual.
Either way, we – like our adversaries – always have an audience in mind for each attack.

Step 2: Choose emotional triggers (select your bait)

Attackers play on our emotions in order to get us to fall for their scams. Here are three emotional triggers that phishers commonly exploit to trap you – sometimes using them in combination to boost their chance of success:

This phish aims to exploit people’s curiosity about a lost puppy.
This phish exploits hope of a promotion or pay rise.
This phish tells you that you need to change your password or you won’t be able to do your job.

Step 3: Build the email (bait the hook)

Next up, we need to build the email. Like our criminal counterparts, we will often attempt to cloud your judgement by using one or more of the the emotional triggers we listed above to get you to perform a specific action without thinking about it first.
That action may be as simple as clicking a link or as complicated as initiating a wire transfer.
One clever trick to writing an effective phishing email is to make the action you wish the target to take inevitable, but not necessarily obvious.
For example, an attacker might send you an email that appears to contain clickable links to weight loss products. At the bottom of that same email, the attacker also includes a clickable “unsubscribe” link. Here’s the catch though: clicking on the “unsubscribe” link takes you the exact same place as clicking any other link in the email.
This way, the attacker presents you with the illusion of a choice while ensuring they get you to click the link they wanted, regardless of where in the email you do it.

Step 4: Send the email (cast the line)

Finally, the phishing email needs to be delivered to the targets. There are a variety of ways for an attacker to do this. They may simply create a new email account on a generic service like Gmail and send the message using that email address, or they could be a bit trickier about it.
Attackers sometimes purchase unregistered domain names that look similar to a legitimate domain, changing the spelling slightly in a way that isn’t obvious, such as writing c0mpany for company (letter O changed to digit zero) or vvebsite for website (two adjacent Vs used for a W).
They will then send the phishing email using this lookalike domain in the hope that users who are in a hurry won’t spot the subtle difference.
It’s also possible for attackers to compromise an email account that belongs to a legitimate source and use it to send a scam message. This is commonly referred to as Business Email Compromise (BEC), and means that even the email address of a co-worker could potentially be used by an attacker to phish you.

How to stop phishing attacks

Even if a phishing email does reach your inbox, it still requires you to take some specific action – clicking a link or opening an attachment – befores it succeeds.
So, knowing what to look out for, and what to do if you see something suspicious, has a huge impact.
Here are some steps to help reduce your phishing risk. While they are mostly written with organizations in mind, many are also equally relevant in our personal lives:

Remember, the goal of phishing training is to make people more aware of potential threats, and more likely to report them.
Be supportive and understanding if you test someone and they do fall for your trick and do click through, and make it clear you are not trying to catch people out in order to get them into trouble.

One more suggestion

Sophos Phish Threat, the product we work on, makes it easy for you to run simulated phishing programs, measure results, and target training where it’s needed. You can try it for free for 30 days.