Sophos News

Ransomware hidden inside a Word document that’s hidden inside a PDF

SophosLabs has discovered a new spam campaign where ransomware is downloaded and run by a macro hidden inside a Word document that is in turn nested within a PDF, like a Russian matryoshka doll. The ransomware in this case appears to be a variant of Locky.

Most antivirus filters know how to recognize suspicious macros in documents, but hiding those document inside a PDF could be a successful way to sidestep it, according to SophosLabs researchers.

What the latest tactic looks like

Following the typical pattern, this latest ransomware push comes as emailed spam with a PDF attachment:

The PDF has an attached document inside, which is trying to get opened by the Acrobat Reader:

Once the doc is opened in MS Word, it asks you to enable editing through a social engineering attack:

This runs a VBA macro, which downloads and runs the crypto ransomware.

What to do?

There are things people can do to better protect themselves from this sort of thing:

Sophos detected the PDF as Troj/PDFDoc-C and the payload as Troj/Locky-UP.

Other links we think you’ll find useful:

Techknow podcast — Dealing with Ransomware:


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