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Bypassing BitLocker during an upgrade

If your timing's right, you can drop into a recovery shell while your C: drive is keep an eye on your PC when you update.

If you’ve got an iPhone, or an Android, or a Mac, or a Windows 10 computer, then you’ll know that when you do an upgrade, the device almost always reboots during the process, sometimes more than once.

You can see why that’s a good idea: if you want to update critical system files, it’s much easier if you can be sure they aren’t in use at the time.

And if you have update B that depends on update A having gone through correctly first, it’s often very handy if you can reboot once to get A sorted out, and then reboot again to deal with B.

So, for all that we often gripe about reboots, because you can’t use your computer (or your phone, or whateveritis) while it’s restarting, they do help to make the complex process of upgrades more reliable, especially on devices that we’ve customised extensively with our own array of interdependent apps and services.

One thing that makes today’s typical upgrades much more palatable is that, even if they take a long time to complete, you rarely need to do anything along the way.

You won’t get asked an interminable and apparently unrelated series of questions at randomly-spaced intervals during the process, as happened in the old days when you installed Windows 95.

In fact, you can go off and do something else, and when you come back, it’ll be just as if you turned your computer off for a bit and have now turned it back on.

Windows 10 even lets you choose your active hours, and will do the work for you automatically outside those times if you aren’t using your computer.

Why does this matter?

Well, if you use full disk encryption – BitLocker on Windows or FileVault on macOS, or the built-in device encryption on iPhones and modern Androids – you have probably already noticed that you don’t have to enter your password during the upgrade process, even if the computer reboots along the way.

To complete the process when you aren’t around, or when you are around but would like to focus your attention on something else, the updater needs to keep your encrypted volumes unlocked during the upgrade, by some means or other.

Strictly speaking, that’s not much more of a security risk than at any other time that your computer is up and running.

When an encrypted drive is mounted and in use, the system needs access to the disk decryption key, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

In theory, a crook can’t get at your data using your computer, encrypted or not, as long as you lock your screen (and there aren’t any lockscreen bugs, of course).

But if he powers down your computer to go off and crack it somewhere else, he’ll need to know your password to remount the encrypted volume.

Note that having access to the disk decryption key isn’t the same as having access to your password, which is typically used just to decrypt the disk key, not to decrypt the disk itself. That’s why you can change your password without re-encrypting the whole disk: only the password protected disk key needs to be re-encrypted. It’s also why, if your password is stolen, you can quickly zap your disk just by wiping the encrypted disk key. Once the disk key is gone, your password no longer has any cryptographic connection with the data on the disk.

Unfortunately, it seems that on Windows 10, at least, there’s a brief period, when your computer reboots for an upgrade, during which you can press Shift + F10 to drop into a recovery console.

You can see where this is going: if you can get into the recovery shell at just the right point in an upgrade, the encrypted volume will still be mounted.

In other words, you just bypassed the BitLocker password prompt, and you can get at data you’re not supposed to see.

What to do?

If you’re at home, the chances are your Windows version doesn’t include Bitlocker, so unless you paid extra for the privilege, this doesn’t apply to you.

A crook with physical access to your computer could just boot it off USB and read your disk anyway.

If you’re at work, or at home with Bitlocker running, you can avoid this issue by not leaving your computer unattended during an upgrade.

Some reports suggest that, on computers managed by Microsoft’s System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), you can turn off the recovery console altogether by creating a file called:


(Change the Windows directory name to match your local installation.)

We don’t know whether this works, or even if it’s still officially supported – we can’t find a recent mention of this tweak on any of Microsoft’s technical pages – but there doesn’t seem to be any harm in creating this file if you do use SCCM.

We’re also betting that Microsoft will soon make “no recovery console” the default…

…so by the time you next do an upgrade, this whole issue might well be moot.


Subordinate (yet integral) to the main point of this article, it seems a rather nifty technical feat: keeping a volume mounted on a system which has recently executed a complete reboot.

Curious that the core system can retain grip on the mount point and volume, for the very same reason the OS reboots in the first place–namely ending/closing core processes/files. It may be impossible to explain without getting deeply technical, but this *feels* like it should be impossible.


Well, once you have logged in you can “suspend” and “resume” Bitlocker from the Windows Settings yourself with a click each time.

That doesn’t actually decrypt your disk…as I understand it, it simply decrypts the device key so that the computer can boot without you putting in your password first. That’s much the same as having an iPhone with no passcode: the device is encrypted, but the device key isn’t encrypted under a password of your choice. (That may sound pointless but it has two benefits: it’s quicker to add a password later because the disk sectors are already encrypted, and it still makes “fast wipe” possible by just wiping the devce key.)

You don’t have to keep the device mounted during reboot, you just have to enable it to be remounted “frictionlessly”.


I am so happy that I use Linux (Ubuntu) on my computer and not windoze.
Every morning it shows me what it wants to update and asks for permission – I say yes, and carry on working. A few minutes later it says it is finished and occasionally asks me to reboot the computer. If I do reboot, then it is a nice quick reboot with no pauses to finish installing or configuring stuff. Chromebooks are great at updating themselves too. And let’s not mention the times when updates render a windoze computer unbootable.

It makes me sad that the most used operating system is so awful. If Microsoft had a competitor things would be so much better.


Disclaimer: I share your lament for Microsoft’s monopoly.

I love my Linnicks as well, but don’t be too quick to tout it as flawless. All OSes have crashed due to updates…and fallen to malware.

There’s a song by Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie” called “Every OS Sucks” that’s entertaining and pretty accurate. It was once a bit more contemporary of course–and I can no longer find the original version, which I preferred to the video you can find now–but it’s still worth a web search and a four-minute listen.

PS: if you’re James Patrick Page, my uncle taught me Stairway to Heaven before I could read a note, and I’ve admired you for years.


Do you have full disk encryption active on your Linux computer? That’s the deal here – not the speed of a reboot but how full disk encryption is handled along the way.

As for upgrades making a computer unbootable…I haven’t had that experience for years with any of Windows, macOS or Linux. Actually, I have had it exactly once, ironically with Linux. I ended up with an initrd and a kernel that didn’t match. A small amount of fiddling around fixed it.


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