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At Infosec Europe this week? Would you like a free gift?

We have a gift for everyone who comes to the stand during Infosec week and says the 'phrase that pays'!

Tomorrow marks the beginning of Infosec Europe 2016 and the Sophos stand is taking shape.


If you’re attending the event, please do stop by our stand (C120) and say hello to us.

While you’re there, pretend you’re at the amusement arcades and make sure you have a go on our prize grabber – you can win t-shirts, caps, stress balls and socks.

And don’t forget you can listen to all the great talks from the Sophos and Naked Security experts, of course!

Even better, if you say “DON’T LOOK” to any of the Sophos stand staff, we’ll give you a Naked Security-exclusive gift (while stocks last)! It’s the phrase that pays!

See you there!


Would’ve loved to have come but they don’t allow students. Hope the expo goes well.

I would just like to wish everybody at Naked Security all the very best at the event.
You all deserve big awards in my opinion…………you really do make a difference. So put those best Sophos hats on…….and enjoy!
I’m on the other side of the world, or, I would be there.
Best of luck, Rosie

I quoted this to member of Sophos staff on the stand, he had absolutely no idea what I was talking about!

Oh dear, sorry about that! Did you manage to get the gift from someone else?

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