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BadBIOS, BadBarcode, and…bad OS X? 60 Second Security

Here's our latest 1-minute computer security video - fast, fun...and informative!

Got a minute to spare?

Watch this week’s 60 Second Security

(No video? Watch on YouTube. No audio? Click on the [CC] icon for subtitles.)

Watch recent episodes:

Last week: Apple and Google in mobile malware slip-up

2 weeks ago: Just one lousy Facebook selfie…

In this episode:

• [0’05”] BadBIOS is back – this time on your TV
• [0’23”] Forget BadBIOS, here comes BadBarcode
• [0’43”] Google VirusTotal now does OS X malware

1 Comment

“…like the look of the new site.”

Not bad, except for today’s 60-Second Security. The illustration of the player bar, 60ss-video-1200-120-percented.png, deceived me into thinking I should click it to start the video. After a few attempts I scrolled down to see the real player which had been off the bottom edge of the window. The illustration is misleading.


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