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Sophos Cloud: So simple you can actually use it

safeguard-cloud-storage-encryptionAs threats become more and more complex, security against them has become more complex too. Why should it be this way? Shouldn’t the user experience for security software be such that you can actually … use it?

When we started developing Sophos Cloud, our mantra was “security that just works.” Every decision about what to include came down to what the user really needs to make their security work for them, without a lot of hassle or deep knowledge. We often wondered, does the IT person care about a particular setting, or would they rather we just took care of it for them?

A lot of security vendors out there have created products that need some kind of jargon translator. They ask the administrator what to do with things like  “Windows shell modifications,” or what type of rootkit scanning is wanted. The feedback we got was pretty consistently along the lines of: “I don’t know what to choose, isn’t it your problem as the vendor to figure that out for me?”

When we designed our dashboard, we didn’t create a setting for “on-access” antivirus scanning. We found most people understood the term “real-time scanning” better. So, to avoid jargon, we call it what people can understand. We also designed our dashboard to be clean and simple, so you know intuitively how to use it.

Sophos Cloud Dashboard

And when we looked at creating rules for blocking certain types of files and behaviors, we figured our experts at SophosLabs should be doing the heavy lifting, not the customer. So our labs people maintain those rules for you in the background.

If you are curious, we’re happy for you to see what goes on in our labs. Our experts produce plenty of technical papers that explain what makes threats work, like the ZeroAccess rootkit.

We know if you’re like most people who use software, a computer, or anything else in daily life (like your TV, the ATM, a blender), you’re thinking “just make it work!” We think that way too.

We heard a lot of you would rather your security just worked without being bothered with the details. So try out Sophos Cloud, and see how simple security can be.


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