[High] Up2Date 5.001 (new V5 ISO) – RC2

Astaro would like to clarify that the 5.001 version of Astaro Security Linux, available on Up2Date 5.001, is Release Candidate #2, not the General Availability Release. This release candidate fixes a number of problems reported for Release Candidate #1. We are continuing to improvements to the release. As with the previous candidate release, 5.001 is suitable for testing, for home use, and for basic production environments. However, corporate customers with large or complex configurations should test the release in their labs before deployment. 

Astaro would like to clarify that the 5.001 version of Astaro Security Linux, available on Up2Date 5.001, is Release Candidate #2, not the General Availability Release. This release candidate fixes a number of problems reported for Release Candidate #1. We are continuing to improvements to the release. As with the previous candidate release, 5.001 is suitable for testing, for home use, and for basic production environments. However, corporate customers with large or complex configurations should test the release in their labs before deployment. 

Please watch this bulletin board for announcements about the upcoming General Availability Release.

Urgency: HIGH (low, Middle, HIGH)
Size: 23.4MB (24.589.940 bytes)
md5sum: f2a2f563faaceeac1c8bbe5222857d0b

Up2Date 5.001


  • Required previous version is 5.000
  • Existing configuration will not be changed
  • Active IP and VPN connections will be restarted
  • Remote SSH connections will be lost
  • MiddleWare will be restarted


  • HTTP Proxy improvements (speed, downloads, stability)
  • QoS packet classification improvements


(please refer to the known issue list on http://docs.astaro.org)
ID916 Accounting not working properly
ID911 Traffic on VLAN interfaces not reported
ID905 Broken SMTP messages – Spam header is seen in email body
ID904 Pattern Up2date not possible – even with valid license
ID901 IPS license improperly checked
ID892 POP3 proxy blocks all messages
ID886 SNMP daemon consumes too much CPU
ID882 User authentication page may be blank
ID875 WebAdmin needs a lot of RAM for large packetfilter rulesets
ID872 PPTP assigns same IP address to multiple clients

Download Information

All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! The Astaro Up2Date technology makes it easy to upgrade your installed Astaro Security Linux to the latest version. There are three ways to apply an Up2Date package to the system:

  1. Log on to WebAdmin, navigate to "System -> Up2Date Service" and start a "Update now" in "System Up2Date. An extra browser window will show the progress of the Up2Date process and the System Administrator will receive a notification email once the Up2Date process has finished successfully.
  2. Log on to WebAdmin, navigate to "System -> Up2Date Service" and enable "Prefetch Up2dates". The System Administrator will receive a Notification email after an Up2Date package has been succesfully fetched and can install the Up2Date by clicking "[install]" on the now available menu item "Unapplied Up2Dates". An extra browser window will show the progress of the Up2Date installation and the System administrator will receive a notification email once the Up2Date process has finished successfully.
  3. Download the Up2Date package from our HTTP or FTP Server:
    HTTP: Astaro USAstaro GermanyAustralian MirrorAustria MirrorJapanese Mirror
    FTP: Astaro USAstaro GermanyAustralian MirrorAustria MirrorJapanese Mirror
    Log on to WebAdmin, navigate to "System -> Up2Date Service", start "Import from file" and import the downloaded Up2Date package. After a successful upload click "[install]" on the now available menu item "Unapplied Up2Dates". An extra browser window will show the progress of the Up2Date installation and the System Administrator will receive a notification email once the Up2Date process has finished successfully.

To install Astaro Security Linux, you need the installation ISO image, available on our download page.

Hardware Requirements (Hardware Calculator):

  • CPU: PII > 400MHz
  • RAM: 128 MB (256 recommended)
  • CDROM: IDE or SCSI (see HCL for supported SCSI controller)
  • Harddisk: > 5GB IDE or SCSI (see HCL for supported SCSI controller)
  • NIC: at least 2 PCI NICs (see HCL for support chipsets)