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Yahoo Messenger joins the “unsend” bandwagon

Yahoo's letting you reach into recipients' inboxes to delete any of years' worth of messages.

Yahoo has just given Messenger users the sacred “unsend” button.

You know that button: it used to be the joke you played on the technically clueless when they flew out of their offices, bug-eyed, asking everybody to delete the email they mistakenly, inadvisedly sent to the whole company.

Google made it real, more or less, with the undo send option it first offered in 2009, buried as it was under an “experimental” warning, and then pulled into the daylight to promote with a bit more gusto in June.

Google’s approach to unsending is really only for the nimble, given that the maximum grace period you have to delete a message is 30 seconds.

In contrast, the new unsend option in Yahoo Messenger, which it introduced on Thursday, lets you reach deep into your outbox and the muck of years’ worth of messages to delete any message sent to a user at any time from that user’s inbox.

The idea of disappearing messages is far from new, of course. Snapchat comes to mind.

The notion that messages and images on Snapchat are ephemeral and would disappear forever was flawed from the start – recipients could always grab copies with screenshots or by taking photos of them, and even if they didn’t, the supposedly disappearing images stayed right on senders’ phones, often hung around on Snapchat’s servers, and likewise lingered (albeit marked “not for display”) on recipients’ phones.

To make messages “disappear,” Yahoo will reportedly wipe a given message from its servers and delete it from the recipient’s phone.

Yahoo joins Viber on this kill-the-message bandwagon: Viber began to offer unsend last month, in the form of the ability to erase messages that the user sent – including photos or GIFs – from the devices of the people who received them.

Oh, boy, you well may be thinking, any message, from any device, as Viber enthused?

Um, no, it said a few days later: Windows phones not included.

The moral of the story: unsend features are promising, but it’s safest to assume that messages aren’t necessarily going to blink out of existence.

Messages have a way of lingering, be they in image form from screenshots, printed out or copied before a sender deletes them from a recipient’s inbox.

Be careful with Gmail unsend, too.

I found out, when setting up Gmail’s unsend option and having it utterly fail, that you need good connectivity for the unsend option to work, as Gmail Help informs me.

Image of Yahoo HQ courtesy of Ken Wolter /


The whole idea of an unsend command after a limited grace period is nonsense. Someone sends me a mail, I decide what to do with it, and then all of a sudden that mail would disappear from my inbox? Ridiculous. I also see a can of worms opening in the legal department…


Yes, exactly! The whole point is that people should think before “sending” anything and should bear the consequences of ill-thought-out actions. Being able to delete something that was sent is, at best, childish, and at worst, possibly cause for legal action if someone relies on what was sent to his/her detriment. Perhaps anyone wanting to “unsend” something should have to post a large bond to indemnify anyone who acts based on what was contained in the “unsent” communication.


How long before someone figures out how to undelete messages they didn’t send? The limited retraction window guards against that.

PS: WordPerfect Office had retraction back in version 3.1, circa 1995.


At times I consider eschewing Gmail a bit in favor of my Yahoo account. While nothing replaces a solid set of backups it’s comforting to know that once I’ve read an email I can use it for reference in any context I wish. From a forgotten recipe or song lyrics to appointment times or anything in the CYA category, a vast email archive is a handy way to keep info quickly accessible.

This does not make me regret any favor I’ve lately pushed Gmail’s way.


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