Since we launched Sophos Cloud, we’ve heard two main questions from customers and Partners: Why can’t I buy Sophos Cloud directly? And second, are you going to sell Sophos Cloud direct and bypass channel Partners? You can guess which question comes from customers and which from Partners.
In this post, let me explain how Sophos Cloud is working to satisfy demands from both customers and Partners.
From a customer point of view, our free trial for Sophos Cloud is simple and user friendly. The well-designed user interface (UI) helps customers to easily try it out online and decide if they want to subscribe.
From our resellers’ point of view, many are working hard spreading the word about trying Sophos Cloud in the first place. After a trial, we send these leads back to the Sophos Partner or reseller who created the lead.
At Sophos, we’re committed to our channel Partners and selling through our channel. Why? Most companies don’t have unlimited resources to create awareness and attract all prospects.
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) companies that sell direct to customers tend to only focus on large enterprises because there is a finite number of prospects (only 1000 prospects if your focus is on the Fortune 1000). However, that leaves an enormous number of opportunities in the smaller and mid-market untouched. With Sophos Cloud we want to provide effective and simple security solutions for the pragmatic enterprises including smaller and growing companies.
I think with our sales model, we accomplish two things:
1) Respect the customer’s wish to have the ultimate say on when to purchase, and how to purchase. We allow prospects to subscribe online. However, customers may have heard of Sophos Cloud from a Sophos reseller, and our Partners should get compensated for the work they have done.
2) Protect our resellers’ hard work and avoid the showroom syndrome of selling direct. We make sure that online subscriptions don’t undercut our resellers. If customers prefer to work with a trusted reseller, we will recommend one.
Simple to use and simpler to sell
Smaller companies, especially those without a large IT staff, can use Sophos Cloud because it’s so easy to set up, deploy and manage. When I talk to small-business owners, they tell me how much they appreciate a UI that doesn’t require a lot of technical expertise.

Whether it’s small startups with just a few users, or companies that are starting to grow and add users and IT staff, Sophos Cloud works for them. Some will manage on their own, some will choose to outsource managing their IT security to a third party or a managed service provider, and others may choose shared management.
We think the opportunities abound for great success with Sophos Cloud.