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Advent tip #9: Think before you share on social media

Maybe it sounds obvious, but oversharing on social media is a BAD idea.

Maybe it sounds obvious, but oversharing on social media is a BAD idea.

Remember when Jim Carrey tweeted a picture of a child without getting his parents’ permission? Bad idea, Jim.

Or the woman who posted a photo of a “creep” to Facebook that she thought was taking photos of her kids. He was actually taking a selfie with Darth Vader. Sadly, she’d already done the damage with her Facebook-shaming before the man could explain what he was really up to.

But it’s not just oversharing photos of people.

Remember the @NeedADebitCard Twitter account? It named, retweeted and shamed anyone who posted pictures of their credit or debit cards on Twitter. There were a lot of tweets.

Then there was the boy who accidentally set his Facebook party event to “public” and ended up with a very trashed family home.

So whether it’s photos of other people, your credit card details, the fact that you’re HOLDING A REALLY AMAZING PARTY ON FRIDAY NIGHT or anything else, stop and think before you share.

Once it’s out there on the internet it’s hard to take it back.

Images of Christmas tree and Advent calendar courtesy of Shutterstock.


We’re going on that family vacation for 2 weeks, dog is at the kennel we love, timers are set for the lights, mail is stopped. Just hope nobody reads this that wants to take our new TV and anything else they can find.

That’s why I never mention when or why I go out. Whether it’s to buy groceries, alcohol, or honor a doctor appointment, only my cats need to know.

Although this sounds funny, I wrote it because a friend of mines daughter (high school kid at the time) posted basically the same about going to Disney 3 years ago. When they came back a friends friend had a group of punks visit the house for a day, destroyed walls, TVs, stole junk. Stole his fireworks collection, but could not get into the gun safe. It was an old bank safe that you could fit 2 people into. Those kids did a huge amount of damage in that room, the house is in a secluded area. The police could not help. However he told the police the kids would not be able to go without using the fireworks, which a month later a friend of his heard being used in town, called the owner, who went to see, found some of the fireworks (collectables, not readily available) and called the police. They did get to arrest a few of the kids (only two over 18 of the five) and those two did get some jail. But it took almost a year, and they never recovered anything for the damage besides the 1% or so insurance paid for the house damage.
I post about trips after I’m home.

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