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SSCC 194 – Patch early? Patch often? This time, “Patch NOW!” [PODCAST]

Join Sophos experts Chester Wisniewski and Paul Ducklin for the latest episode of our weekly security podcast. From the very latest Update Tuesday to how we get rid of 10-year-old security holes, here's the security news you can use.

Sophos Security Chet Chat – Episode 194 – April 17, 2015

Here’s our latest security podcast, featuring Sophos experts and Naked Security writers Chester Wisniewski and Paul Ducklin.

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Did you say 2014 Chester ?


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, so he did! How time flies when you’re having fun :-)

I listened to that any number of times during editing, and didn’t realise either, which just goes to show….oh, something, not sure what.


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