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That’s so sad that FB has no respect for the family unit.
Like most corporations, they’re only in it for the money.

It’s really great that Facebook has so much respect for the individual. A ‘family unit’ is not something that should override people’s fundamental human rights.

It’s pathetic that family has no access to it; after all the person is dead. If the service provider fears for action lawsuit, then it’s because they did not fallowed they good intension per say.

I’m really glad it ended up being denied. She has no right to snoop into her daughter’s communications; she is not the police. If the police find it suspicious, they will use the established channels; this really reads like a nosy mother with too much time and money trying to poke her nose into things she shouldn’t.

If it was an adult I might agree with you, but it was a child. It might stun you, but some parents care about their children. Nothing says the police have had access to the account.

Children aren’t their parents’ property. They are sentient beings with their own rights. Parents do not get to poke their big noses into someone else’s data without permission just because they’re parents.

I’ll take a guess you don’t have kids. On the same token you’re using, if the kids being manipulated by someone, and maybe getting other kids to commit suicide shouldn’t someone care? It’s not like the parents are looking to ruin the dead childs life. If anything they may want vengeance, or understanding which I would fully support.

That’s why the police can and do get access if foul play is suspected, /through the proper channels/…

The real precedent being set here is that it is facebook that owns the data, not you

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