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So facebook is ready to cancel accounts automatically if they don’t like an image. Great, maybe I should tell them to go f themselves before they get me first…..


Is the bigger issue here not the clutch causing the account closure but the ability of facebook to see the contents of the message. I thought all messages now had end-to-end encryption!


I imagine there might have been an errant hash that mistakenly identified the image as something verboten, such as child porn or images of terrorist acts/propaganda. i’m not familiar with how or whether that type of flagging works with encryption, but if it does, it would account for how fast it got people’s accounts shut down in this case. At any rate, without Facebook’s input, all we can do is speculate.


End to end encryption is most likely to be only between customers, facebook staff will be excluded just in case the FBI or the NSA come calling despite what they say publicly about no back doors.

In any case I seriously wander what everyone did before facebook, if shutting someone’s account means the end of the world for them – get a grip people, for those friends and family you haven’t got phone numbers for maybe try and get one and for those who don’t have phones, i dunno there is always good old snail mail.

The fact that snafu’s like this are becoming more common I suspect is down to more and more staffers being laid off who do the day to day grunt admin work in favour of automated systems to do the same thing.

If you are not happy let your fingers do the walking.


Srivatsa’s image (but not yours) also has pale yellow writing in the white space – could have been that too.


Is that all it takes to delete a facebook account? I’m going to put a cat in suit pic on mine. So I don’t have to wait 14 days to have my account deleted.


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