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what if i don’t have any social media presence on the internet outside of my ISP email and work email? do i get banned from traveling? what a wonderful world of crazies we live in today.


I’d guess that many travelers will be too intimidated by the Custom form’s weight of authority not to divulge their social media name(s) on said form, even if the form includes an Optional disclaimer. Travelers may fear they risk making themselves a target for TSA harassment if they fail to complete the form in full. How many ordinary citizens anywhere really know their rights?

Also, some customs agents (due to ignorance or to sadism) may tell travelers they MUST fill out every part of the form or else the traveler MAY be subject to further scrutiny. Authority figures very well know that vague threats can effectively coerce people to submit because they do, in fact, have the power to carry out their threats.

Finally, some travelers to the U.S. come from countries in which Optional may in practice mean Mandatory if they want to stay out of prison or worse, so they submit without being specifically threatened.


Lisa- Since I do not and will not have a social media account (No Facebook, No Twitter, and most certainly NEVER Linked In) Customs, like Dept of Homeland INSECUIRTY in the land of Obamastan, can go ;whiz’ up a rope.


So now I can’t travel unless I’m part of Facebook?! w.t.f. What if I have no “online social presence”?


They say it’s optional at present, so what if they change their mind and make it compulsory? Not everyone has a ‘social media’ account so what will they do then? I don’t use any form of social media and see no need of such, but I do travel around, including to the USA, but have never had any problems with ESTAs, etc. If I don’t have a ‘social media’ account anywhere I can’t give them what they seek as it doesn’t exist.
Is this another assumption that ‘everyone’ has such an account? If so, it’s a serious error.


This is another example of “Scope Creep,” expanding the list of tasks under the purview of some agency so that the gummint will be able to justify adding more bodies to the payroll, thus buying more votes in the next election. And woe be unto a future Administration that rolls-back the agency expansion and kicks the new hires out of their cushy new jobs; those potential votes are gone forever! I wouldn’t be a bit surprised to learn that the idiot who thought up this cockamamie scheme gets a big promotion or huge bonus for coming up with a semi-plausible way of guaranteeing votes for “The Party in Power” while, at the same time, eroding citizen rights even further.


If this comes to pass, travellers would be well advised NOT to enter fake social media account names – it’s a felony to lie to a federal official.


There are always exceptions. Google ‘Mohammed Rehman’; he’s just been send down for planning terrorist acts in the UK. He used the tag ‘Silent Bomber’ online and asked twitter to choose his target. Unfortunately they are not all that stupid.


poop. since I’ve been bashing hilldog since my FB profile was created, when she finishes buying the election I won’t even be able to get a taxi………


I’ve always been happy not having a social media presence, it’s quite liberating actually, and not changing anytime soon. Is it like this traveling everywhere or just to the USA? Maybe there are other places to go that are happy to have us visit. We should go there instead, and leave the states to their delusional state sponsored paranoia.


Many countries have “special conditions for search and seizure” at their frontiers, including the power to require you to decrypt data. As far as I know, the UK has had this on the books for several years already.


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