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What bothered me the most about the change that led to this undo, is that I use three different GMail accounts (a business account, a blogging account, and a personal account.) I’m sure glad they changed it.


As far as I’m concerned, Chrome isn’t a browser, it’s a Google app, so I’ll stick with Firefox, thank-you-very-much. I did have Chrome installed for a while because it was required for a particular online service that I was using, but that service sucked so I dropped it. I kept Chrome installed and updated for a while after that until Google made some previously anti-privacy change, at which point I uninstalled it.


Thank you for this Paul. I never sign in to Chrome ever. I sign in to my gmail account only when I need to access it and always sign out when finished. First because I have multiple gmail accounts but mainly because I am paranoid about staying signed in to anything.
I immediately checked after reading your article by first signing into a gmail account and then opening a new instance of Chrome and what do you know there up in the right upper corner of Chrome was an icon showing me signed in. Then I checked Chrome cookies which I am obsessive about and what do you know a new cookie I have never seen before “” and also “” which started showing up very recently.
Is there a way to block this now or do we have to wait for the new Chrome release in October?


I’m not sure.
I don’t use Chrome, except from very occasionally to see if the look and feel might turn me into a faan. (I’ve just always liked Firefox more, and can’t find a reason to distrust Mozilla more than Google, and if I need a second browser I’ve got Safari pre-installed and updated on my Mac… so why change?)
Any Chrome fans able to advise?


As noted above, I no longer have Chrome installed, but I found the following:
Load chrome://flags/#account-consistency in the browser’s address bar.
Click the associated drop-down and set the value to disabled.
Restart Chrome.


Thank you Ken.
I had checked through flags but I guess I missed that or didn’t realize that was what I needed. I have had nothing but issues with Chrome since it updated to Chrome 69. I have always turned off suggesstions for omni box and search box. Now however it is just ignoring the fact it is turned off and it is driving me nuts. As well it is trying to tell me how to spell even though that also is turned off. So every time I type “colour” it nags me to be a Trumpster and make it “color”.


This is just Google testing the water for Fuchsia and ChromeOS (or whatever they call it). Web apps will pretty much be the norm in ten years time which will require you to be permanently logged in. I really don’t like this style of computing but I can see that it will be very convenient for a lot of people, and convenience / laziness is what Google panders to – most people will take convenience over security or privacy any time. It will soon be that it won’t matter what OS you will have as long as it is capable of running Chrome (or derivatives) then you will be able to run any app direct from any website. I just hope Mozilla keeps up.


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