February 26, 2020 Apple’s iOS pasteboard leaks location data to spy apps A developer has discovered that malicious apps could exploit the pasteboard to work out a user’s location. Naked Security
February 21, 2020 Larry Tesler, of copy-and-paste fame, dies at 74 Larry Tesler, the computing pioneer who insisted that user interfaces should be both comfortable *and* consistent, has died aged 74. Naked Security
October 09, 2019 Copy-and-paste sharing on Stack Overflow spreads insecure code It’s the time-saving technique employed by many coders - copy and paste code from crowd-sourcing 'Q&A' websites. But is it always secure? Naked Security
May 26, 2016 Why you can’t trust things you copy and paste from web pages Just when you thought it was safe to delve into your clipboard. Naked Security