Aaron, a Field CTO at Sophos, is a seasoned information technology professional with over two decades of experience. Beginning in technical support for a web application load-testing company prior to the dot-com bust, he transitioned into cybersecurity before it was mainstream cool, designing and implementing email and web gateways that would go on to stop large-scale and widely publicized spam campaigns involving a former tennis player and letters of love (and earning an infamous status within numerous student populations due to blocking warez, newz and torrent downloads within schools). Aaron is passionate about modern computing and the seemingly never-ending challenges it brings to businesses both old and new. An old-school and retro video game enthusiast, Aaron will be more than happy to talk at length about how two-dimensional side-scrolling ‘platformer’ video games are the best to wind down after a hard day on the keyboard. With a career marked by a deep commitment to cybersecurity and dedication to staying at the forefront of the constantly evolving technology and threat landscape, it’s now time to amplify the ‘shared security model’ into a shared fate – Aaron’s goal is to equip people and teams with knowledge and technology to build cyber-resilient businesses. Reach him on LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/aaronbugal .

Articles by Aaron Bugal