Sophos News

Credit card skimming – the long and winding road of supply chain failure

Researchers at application security company Jscrambler have just published a cautionary tale about supply chain attacks…

…that is also a powerful reminder of just how long attack chains can be.

Sadly, that’s long merely in terms of time, not long in terms of technical complexity or the number of links in the chain itself.

Eight years ago…

The high-level version of the story published by the researchers is simply told, and it goes like this:

You can see where this story is going.

Any hapless former Cockpit users who had apparently not checked their logs properly (or perhaps even at all) since late 2014 failed to notice that they were still trying to load code that wasn’t working.

We’re guessing that those businesses did notice they weren’t getting any more analytics data from Cockpit, but that because they were expecting the data feed to stop working, they assumed that the end of the data was the end of their cybersecurity concerns relating to the service and its domain name.

Injection and surveillance

According to Jscrambler, the crooks who took over the defunct domain, and who thus acquired a direct route to insert malware into any web pages that still trusted and used that now-revived domain…

…started doing exactly that, injecting unauthorised, malicious JavaScript into a wide range of e-commerce sites.

This enabled two major types of attack:

With this pair of attack vectors at their disposal, the crooks could not only siphon off whatever you typed into a web form on a compromised web page, but also go after additional personally identifiable information (PII) that they wouldn’t normally be able to steal.

By deciding which JavaScript code to serve up based on the identity of the server that requested the code in the first place, the crooks were able to tailor their malware to attack different types of e-commerce site in different ways.

This sort of tailored response, which is easy to implement by looking at the Referer: header sent in the HTTP requests generated by your browser, also makes it hard for cybersecurity rearchers to determine the full range of attack “payloads” that the criminals have up their sleeves.

After all, unless you know in advance the precise list of servers and URLs that the crooks are looking out for on their servers, you won’t be able to generate HTTP requests that shake loose all likely variants of the attack that the criminals have programmed into the system.

In case you’re wondering, the Referer: header, which is a mis-spelling of the English word “referrer”, gets its name from a typographical mistake in the original internet standards document.

What to do?

If you’re still sourcing JavaScript from a server that was retired eight years ago, especially if you’re using it in a service that handles PII or payment data, you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem…

…so, please, don’t be that person!

Note for Sophos customers. The “revitalised” web domain used here for JavaScript injection (web-cockpit DOT jp, if you want to search your own logs) is blocked by Sophos as PROD_SPYWARE_AND_MALWARE and SEC_MALWARE_REPOSITORY. This denotes that the domain is known not only to be associated with malware-related cybercriminality, but also to be involved in actively serving up malware code.