
Sophos Professionals of Color and Dallas Team Donate Back to School Supplies

With their combined effort, they successfully donated seven large boxes and four large bags of school supplies.

As the school year resumes, many underprivileged children return to class missing necessary items that aid in improving grades, self-esteem, or just making the day easier to navigate. To assist, Sophos’ Professionals of Color (PoC) Network, in collaboration with our team in Dallas, linked up with Community Partners of Dallas to purchase and donate school supplies.

This community service project aligns with a PoC initiative to foster a pipeline between underprivileged young people in the community and the tech industry.

The PoC team and Sophos Dallas spent the month of August working tirelessly to gather various school supplies that could be donated. On August 31, they delivered the school supplies purchased and collected to the Community Partners of Dallas. With their combined effort, they successfully donated seven large boxes and four large bags of school supplies.

Community Partners of Dallas is a non-profit organization founded as a way for the community to support the work of Child Protective Services. Through the aid of caring individuals, companies, and other organizations, Community Partners of Dallas meets the needs of 15,000 abused and neglected children annually.

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