Sophos News

Sophos Germany Hosts Annual Girls’ Day Event

To mark “Girls’ Day”, Sophos Germany recently hosted a dedicated Sophos Women in Tech event to encourage schoolgirls between 11- 14 years old to consider a career in tech and to explain the routes into the industry.

Every year, Girls’ Day invites businesses, universities, and research centers to organize open days for girls to showcase opportunities and prospects into careers and studies where the proportion of women is typically less than 40%. Businesses and universities throughout Germany open their doors to girls to introduce them to careers and courses of study in IT, crafts, science, and technology, and enable the girls to meet female role models in leadership positions. Girls’Day is recognized as the largest career guidance project for schoolgirls worldwide. Since the start of Girls’Day in 2001, companies and institutions have offered a total of more than 150,000 events with places for around 2 million girls.

The Sophos Girl’sDay event showcased the breadth of career opportunities for women in Sophos and the best routes into a career in tech:

This was the first time Sophos hosted the event online, but the feedback was incredibly positive with the participants fully engaged in the interactive presentations and quiz. Thank you to everyone who took part to produce a valuable day for our future women in tech in Germany.