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Crypto founder admits $25 million ICO backed by celebrities was a scam

Endorsed by boxer Floyd Mayweather and DJ Khaled, the Centra Tech ICO debacle has led to the guilty plea of co-founder Robert Farkas.

The Miami-based cryptocurrency firm Centra Tech was built on fairy dust and paid celebrity hoo-ha, but co-founder Robert Joseph Farkas is going to be doing real time in a real prison for the $25 million initial coin offering (ICO) rip-off.
An ICO is an unregulated fundraising technique with a dodgy reputation that’s used by blockchain companies where cyptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are used to purchase “tokens” from a startup. If the company takes off, they’ll theoretically be worth something. Centra Tech took off, all right, but only because its founders allegedly lied through their teeth.
Farkas – also known as RJ – pled guilty in Manhattan federal court on Tuesday to charges of conspiring to commit securities and wire fraud, according to the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.
Sentencing hasn’t been scheduled yet. Farkas, 33, pled guilty to two charges, each of which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. Maximum sentences are rarely handed out, but Farkas agreed to serve between 70 and 87 months and a fine of up to $250,000 in a plea deal.

From Miami Exotics car rentals to shilling celebrities

Centra Tech’s founders included Farkas, who held different roles, such as chief marketing officer and chief operating officer. Co-defendant/co-founder Sohrab Sharma was in turns chief technology officer and president. Before Centra, third co-defendant/co-founder Raymond Trapani ran a credit-fixing business and liked to post pictures of luxury cars and stacks of $20 bills on his Instagram account.

None of them had any experience in virtual currency, but since when has that stopped anybody? According to prosecutors, the three men founded Centra Tech after working together at a luxury car rental company in Florida called Miami Exotics. In August 2017, the trio put up a site and released an announcement that described Centra as “The World’s First Multi-Blockchain Cryptocurrency Debit Card & Smart Insured Wallet”: an answer, they promised, to the proliferation of virtual currencies.
They offered a debit card – the Centra Card – that was purportedly based on Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and other cryptocurrencies. The card would supposedly enable users to spend their cryptocurrency “in real time” with no exchange, spend, or withdrawal fees as are generally charged by other companies. Users could purportedly use the Centra Card at establishments that accepted Visa or Mastercard payments.
Partnerships with Bancorp, Visa, and Mastercard? You can see why the money would have flowed in. It didn’t hurt that Centra hired celebrity social media influencers – including famed boxer Floyd Mayweather and music producer DJ Khaled – to shill for them.
Floyd Mayweather helping young Miami guys get rich
Famed boxer Floyd Mayweather, helping young Miami guys get rich. IMAGE: Twitter

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was none too happy with endorsements like that. In November 2018, the SEC announced that it had fined both celebrities for failing to disclose the fact that Centra paid them to hype its ICO – the first such cases of that kind. Khaled failed to disclose that “game changer” Centra paid him $50,000 for his endorsement. Mayweather got $100,000.

A company built on moonbeams

Besides not disclosing that the celebrity endorsements were bought and paid for, Centra was built on these other lies:

  • They concocted fictional executives with imaginary credentials. Their purported CEO, Michael Edwards, was as real as his imaginary MBA from Harvard and his 20+ years of banking industry experience.
  • Those partnerships with Bancorp, Visa, and Mastercard to issue Centra Cards licensed by Visa or Mastercard? Pure baloney.
  • Centra Tech’s purported license to transmit money, among other licenses, in 38 states? It’s not that pants were merely on fire; they were sending off fireworks.

Based on these misrepresentations, prosecutors say, victims shelled out millions of dollars worth of digital funds to invest in Centra Tech tokens. By around October 2017, at the end of Centra Tech’s ICO, the fakery firm had raised digital currency worth more than $25 million. The DOJ say that during 2018, the funds hit a value of more than $60 million.
The house of cards fell apart on or about May 2018 and October 2018, when the FBI and the Southern New York Attorney’s Office seized 100,000 Ether units that victims had forked over to buy digital tokens issued by Centra Tech during its ICO.
The three co-founders were charged with lying to investors. Next up will be Frakas’s sentencing – not yet scheduled – as well as the trials of Sharma and Trapani, who are scheduled to appear in court in November.


He was fined $250k. For stealing $25M (60M?) from investors.
No doubt some was seized, but we all know some was spent on wagyu, Armani suits, and a Ferrari or two.
Some have said that severe punishments are ineffective, even counterproductive. Or that vacations at “club fed” foster more recidivism than rehabilitation. That may be true, or at least have some merit.
However, fining someone 10% of the funds they’ve procured through deceitful methods will always have at least one drawback:
There’s no shortage of crooks who still view that as a 900% return on investment.


If I can do less than a year in jail for 2 mill,,,, how about we start Bryamahhn Currency? We can give each investor a cool looking plastic coin, as memento for real currency lol
If we get look alikes for endorsements and never mention their name, we can avoid some of the charges.
Wait,,,,, can we play video games in jail? because if not, I’m out :p
If we put a disclaimer on the bottom of the page like The Onion has, can we get out of all charges?


Hahah, I’m 100% on-board with your plan! But yeah…
Playing q3 would help pass that 2 years. And I’d be 1 happy camper.
Our first celebrity lookalike endorsement:
I’m Billy Mays, and I approve this message!


I guess those Armani suits and ferrari were seized too. It does not matter if they fine him 250k or 2,5M. He will probably not pay it anyway.


Agreed, Petr. But the feds can only confiscate materials still in his possession. Like Bernie Madoff, tons of money can be liquidated on intangible things like concert tickets, $100 steaks, and bountiful gifts (at least if they’re undocumented it’s harder to track a gifted Xbox or swimming pool).
With that in mind, it may be time to rewatch Brewster’s Millions… been probably 20 years.


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