Sophos News

Cybersecurity evolved: Increasing IT efficiency and protection

Imagine cutting the time you spend on day-to-day security admin by over 90% and slashing the number of security incidents that need investigation by 85%. Almost sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?

Almost. Because these are the real-world benefits that organizations are seeing from running a Sophos cybersecurity system, revealed in the Sophos Business Impact report.

With Sophos Intercept X protection on endpoints, Sophos XG Firewall at the gateway, and everything managed through Sophos Central, Sophos customers are seeing quantifiable improvements in both protection and IT efficiency.

Customer Impact

We interviewed five customers across North America, Europe, and Asia to understand the impact the Sophos cybersecurity system has had for them.

Each customer’s scenario was different, with varying organizational structures, challenges, and business requirements. However, one major finding was common to all:

Customers said that they would need to double their security headcount to maintain the same level of protection if they didn’t have a Sophos next-gen cybersecurity system.

They also told us that they experience fewer security incidents and can identify and respond quicker to issues that do occur.

Customer A: Healthcare Provider, USA

Customer A is a regional healthcare provider whose services include inpatient and outpatient care, medical practices, nursing homes, and a range of specialist services. They have 4,500 employees, including 80 IT staff, of which three are dedicated to cybersecurity. Benefits they have seen from running Sophos include:

READ: ‘Sophos Business Impact Report to see all five case studies ►

Customer B: Education Services Provider, India

Customer B provides educational services to colleges and universities across India and the wider Southeast Asia area. They secure tens of thousands of students via a centralized IT team based out of their head office in Bangalore, together with a team of local IT managers on site.  The impact of running a Sophos cybersecurity system includes:

To learn more and to check out all five case studies, read Cybersecurity Evolved: The Sophos Business Impact.

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