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S2 Ep 39: Thunderspy, government encryption, and reply all mistakes – Naked Security Podcast

Reply all woes, DHS says no to DoH and why turning your computer off is good for security.

In this episode Mark discusses government encryption, Duck tells us why turning your computer off is a cool idea and Greg regales us with his reply all woes.
Host Anna Brading is joined by Sophos experts Mark Stockley, Paul Ducklin, Greg Iddon and Producer Alice Duckett.
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1 Comment

Great podcast! My worst “REply-All” experience? Finding out the hard way what “threading” means and does with email and that often it’s an email default. I am diligent about not Reply-all unless I intend to use it. Enter email threading. Threading in my google email reached out to everyone I communicated with in that thread, even if if they were not in the original “conversation” aka, I forwarded an email to some folks to review and did not include the original sender. Later, EVERYONE was copied!!! It nearly caused me a legal problem.


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