Sophos News

We all need IT! (Happy holidays from Sophos)

Spare a thought for the IT heroes who are working away right now so that you can stay online over Christmas.

Sure, it’s their job – they knew that the holiday season was coming and that someone would need to be on duty, just to make sure that you would be able to post that cool new cat video you made on Christmas Day.

And, sure, it’s their job all year round – so they should be used to it by now.

But that’s no reason not to say a big thank you!

So, we wrote a song for all the heroes in IT, and we invited the world’s 25 most famous singers to perform it.

Here’s what happened:

(Can’t see the video directly above this line? Watch on YouTube instead.)

PS. For everyone who isn’t getting a holiday at New Year, but who will be on duty in front of a keyboard and a screen, we’ve got something coming up for you: a #sophospuzzle crossword. That’s right, you can sit right at your desk, looking busy and, if the truth be told, actually being busy! Better still, you’ll actually be learning something about computer security at the same time. (That’s the excuse to give if you need it.) So, watch this space for details. OK, not this place. Not literally. But watch this website, or keep your eye on the hashtag #sophospuzzle on Twitter, to find out when the puzzle starts. (We’ll be sending a Dance like Nobody’s Watching T-shirt to the fastest solver, so the sooner you start solving, the brighter your chances.)