Sophos News

The dangers of Android malware: Sophos’ James Lyne talks to ABC’s Good Morning America

We talk often about mobile security, but have you ever seen what a hacker can access through your phone with the right malware?

Sophos Cyber Security Advisor James Lyne appeared on ABC’s Good Morning America to talk with reporter Gio Benitez about the threat of Android malware, and the dangers of doppelgänger phone apps like the fake version of WhatsApp that was downloaded more than a million times from Google Play.

He performs an incredible demonstration of just how much access hackers can gain through malicious mobile apps.

Lyne provides five volunteers with Android phones and asks them to use the phones as they normally would. Using malware installed on the phone, he shows us just how easy it is to gain access to passwords and social media profiles, read and send text messages, track the phone’s location and even take photos and video of the user through their own phone’s camera.

It’s an amazing demonstration and hits home just how incredibly important mobile security is, and how everyone needs to be aware of exactly what apps they download on to their phones.

Android users can follow these simple steps to minimise the risks they face:

IT administrators can find out more about the threat of Android malware by reading the SophosLabs 2018 Malware Forecast,  and protect their users by deploying Sophos Mobile, our Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solution that’s easy to configure and manage.