Sophos News

Botnets – malware that makes you part of the problem [Security SOS Week]

Today’s Security SOS webinar is:

Botnets – the malware that makes you part of the problem

The event takes place at 2pm UK time (13:00 UTC, 15:00 CEST, 09:00 EDT), and consists of about 30 minutes of live interview, podcast-style, followed by 10 minutes of questions and answers.

(No slides to watch or diagrams to digest – think of it as an interactive radio programmme on NPR or BBC Radio 4.)

Here’s what we’re covering today:

Unlike ransomware, which punches you straight in the digital face, “bots” or “zombies” work undercover in the background. Zombie malware quietly downloads instructions from cybercriminals on what to do next, such as grabbing passwords, stealing files, sending spam, and delivering malware.

Becoming infected with a bot therefore makes you part of the problem, not part of the solution. You’re giving the crooks a free hosting and content delivery service.

Learn from Fraser Howard, one of the world’s leading anti-malware researchers, how to dezombify your world.

If you haven’t heard Fraser in action before, you’ve really missed out: he doesn’t just understand his specialist subject inside out, he’s also brilliant at explaining it in plain words – security made genuinely interesting!

Register now!


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Learn from Sophos expert Peter Mackenzie how to deal with phishing.

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Luke Groves explains how to take charge of security inside your organisation.