Sophos News

Phishing – how this troublesome crime is evolving [Security SOS Week]

Every day this week, top security gurus at Sophos are stepping up to the microphone to share their expertise with you, free of charge, in our Security SOS online webinar summit.

In each 40-minute webinar, Naked Security’s very own Paul Ducklin will be interviewing our experts to help you cut through the jargon and understand the real issues in computer security today.

Each webinar takes place at 2pm UK time (13:00 UTC, 15:00 CEST, 09:00 EDT), and will consist of about 30 minutes of live interview, podcast-style, followed by 10 minutes of questions and answers.

Today’s webinar: Phishing – how this troublesome crime is evolving

Today, Paul Ducklin is talking to Peter Mackenzie, Global Malware Escalations Manager at Sophos.

Not all phishing attacks are obvious. Smarter phishing gangs regularly adapt their tactics to blend in with the many legitimate emails we receive every day.

Peter Mackenzie has an encyclopedic knowledge of phishing attacks and how to avoid being phished. Join us how to learn how to keep your own users safe.

Register now!


Missed Monday’s webinar?

Listen now to John Shaw on the thorny issue of GDPR. John explains in plain words what it means to you, whether you’re inside the EU or outside it, and how you can turn GDPR into a value instead of treating it as a cost.