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Happy new year! Here’s our look back at the year on Naked Security

Happy new year to all our readers around the globe! With 2017 almost upon us, it’s time to take a look at the most popular Naked Security articles of 2016. We’ve split the posts into four categories – each containing a few surprises.


The most popular topic for the year by a wide margin was ransomware. We’ve been following the evolution of ransomware here at NakedSecurity for a long time, and in 2016 we saw a number of new wrinkles to the story.

Our most popular post of the entire year by an almost two-to-one margin was on Locky, the strain of ransomware that seemed to start making the rounds earlier this year, renaming file extensions as it encrypted files. Judging by the comments (90 and counting), Locky was certainly a big pain for many people this year: “Locky” ransomware – what you need to know

Other ransomware-related posts that proved popular:

We’ll continue to keep a close eye on what’s happening in the world of ransomware to keep you apprised, prepared and two steps ahead of attackers.

The dark web

Perhaps it’s the mystique of the “anonymous” internet (though it isn’t really – and you knew that from reading us, right?) or perhaps it’s from hearing Tor more and more in the global news headlines, but three of our pieces about the dark web proved popular this year, even though two of them were from 2015.

Explainers, research and busting bogus claims

Is that claim really true? What’s behind that story? What does this really mean?

We answered a number of questions – and busted a few false claims – with our researchers and know-how. A few of the popular stories this year were actually from years past, showing that some questions need to be answered year after year.


And finally, the ubiquitous social media platform captured a lot of people’s attention this year. With every change to the platform’s behavior, big or small, we try to stay on top of what this means for you and your privacy. We saw two stories that proved especially popular this year on that front:

Let us know what your favorite pieces were this year in the comments – and do also tell us what you’d like us to cover. We’re always listening! And cheers – here’s to a happy, safe and secure 2017.

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