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Anonymous hacker charged with #opJustina DDoS attacks on hospitals

The Anonymous-affiliated hacker who admitted to cyberattacks on two hospitals in the #opJustina operation and fled the country while being investigated was indicted last week.

Martin Gottesfeld, 32, a biotechnology information technology professional from Somerville, Massachusetts, is being charged with conspiracy to launch cyberattacks against two local hospitals: Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) and the Wayside Youth and Family Support Network, a mental health facility.

Those two hospitals were at the center of a case that attracted masses of media attention: that of Justina Pelletier, the then-15-year-old who was caught in a 16-month custody battle as her parents tried to have her treated for mitochondrial disease at one hospital, while Boston Children’s Hospital treated her in a psychiatric unit as a ward of the state.

Gottesfeld’s indictment, handed down on Wednesday, also charges him with intentional damage to a protected computer.

Both are felony hacking charges.

Gottesfeld admitted to the attacks last month, explaining how he did it and why in an editorial published by the Huffington Post.

I had heard many, too many, such horror stories of institutionalized children who were killed or took their own lives in the so-called “troubled teen industry”. I never imagined a renowned hospital would be capable of such brutality and no amount of other good work could justify torturing Justina.

The distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack against BCH was planned for maximum financial damage, Gottesfeld said: he knew that the hospital was planning a big fundraising drive and that most donors gave online.

In his editorial, he went on to scoff at BCH for making it easy for him to attack it, since the hospital kept its donation page on the same public network as the rest of its systems:

Rookie mistake. To take it down, I’d have to knock the whole hospital off the internet.

He also claimed that no patients would be harmed:

There’s no such thing as an outage-proof network, so hospitals have to be able to function without the internet. It’s required by federal law, and for accreditation. The only effects would be financial and on BCH’s reputation.

That’s not how the hospital, or the prosecution, sees it. The indictment states that BCH had to shut down its access to the internet and email servers to protect patient medical records.

That meant that physicians outside the hospital couldn’t get at patients’ records. Nor could patients communicate with their doctors.

BCH claims that responding to, and mitigating, the damage of the attack cost $300,000, while the disruption in fundraising meant another $300,000 hit, for a total loss of $600,000.

Gottesfeld claims that the attack against BCH was a justifiable reaction to the actions of the hospital, which was described as  a “parentectomy”.

Gottesfeld’s defence, to blame the hospital for the attack, is all too commonly heard. The blame-the-victim reasoning is often voiced by other cyberattackers, be it from people who guess at weak passwords and use them to waltz into accounts without authorization, or those who launch crippling attacks such as those that Gottesfeld admits to.

But just because it’s easy to do doesn’t make those or other cybercrimes OK. They’re illegal, and they can result in jail time, fines or both.

Each of the charges Gottesfeld’s facing carry a maximum sentence of five years in jail, along with fines.

Gottesfeld has been detained in Rhode Island since he and his wife were plucked off their boat near the coast of Cuba and arrested in Florida.

When the indictment was handed down last Wednesday, Gottesfeld was reportedly on day 16 of a hunger strike over the appointment of the office of Carmen Ortiz as his prosecutor. Ortiz was the prosecutor in the cases against both Aaron Swartz and Jonathan James, who both later took their own lives. She has faced sharp criticism over her approach to those cases.

In spite of his admission to the DDoS attacks, Gottesfeld is likely to plead not guilty at his arraignment this week before US Magistrate Judge Marianne B. Bowler, his wife told the Washington Times.

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