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Online crime leads to losses of £10.9 billion a year

Just how much money are the UK’s people and small businesses losing to online crime? Depends on how you count, but according to new research from Get Safe Online and Action Fraud, the baseline figure is now a whopping £10.9 billion per year.

That estimate is based on criminal activity and losses reported to Action Fraud, the UK’s national fraud and cybercrime reporting center. That’s an average of £210 for every UK resident age 16 and up. But, as we all know, plenty of crime never gets reported.

What might the real number look like? According to a new survey released 18 October in honor of “Get Safe Online Day,” respondents who had been a victim of online crime averaged a loss of £523 each… more than an average week’s earnings in the UK.

Get Safe Online reports that “39% of people who said they’d been victims of online crime said they hadn’t reported the incident,” and 37% said “they felt there was nothing that could be done.”

This data offers a depressing but useful reminder that prevention is still better than cure. Unfortunately, according to the survey’s accompanying press release:

Many Britons are still not taking the basic steps to keep themselves safe online.

For instance:

According to the survey:

No doubt folks are worried in the abstract: 89% are “somewhat or very concerned” about online safety and security, and the same percentage recognizes that online crime is “as damaging or more damaging than physical crime.”

But, for a sizable percentage, worry still doesn’t lead to action.

Action Fraud and Get Safe Online offer a handy checklist for protecting yourself. If you hang out here at Naked Security, it doesn’t offer much you don’t already know: review your passwords and privacy settings, update your OS and apps, back up to the cloud, and make sure your security software is turned on and up-to-date.

But if you’ve got a cyberclueless friend or relative, it’s not a bad place for them to start.

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