Sophos News

Malvertising – When trusted websites go rogue [Security SOS Week]

Every day this week, Sophos’s top security gurus will be stepping up to the microphone to share their expertise with you, free of charge.

In each 30-minute webinar, Naked Security’s very own Paul Ducklin will be interviewing our experts to help you cut through the jargon and understand the real issues in computer security today.

Each webinar will take place at 2pm UK time (14:00 UTC, 15:00 CET, 10:00 EDT), and will consist of about 20 minutes of live interview, followed by 10 minutes of questions and answers.

Today’s webinar: Malvertising – When trusted websites go rogue

Today, Paul Ducklin is talking to John Shier, Sophos IT Security Specialist.

Crooks don’t need to hack into a mainstream website to infect it with malware.

They can get away with hacking just one ad served up by one ad network – and some high-traffic sites take content from hundreds of different ad networks at a time.

This is “malvertising”, and it hurts the websites that get affected, the ad networks that get compromised…and the victims who get infected while surfing their usual, trusted and unexceptionable sites.

Even mainstream sites – sites that you’d never get into trouble for browsing at work, because they’re well-known sites with useful content – can fall victim to malvertising.

Indeed, this week’s news is that at least BBC, Newsweek, The New York Times and MSN were affected over the weekend.

So it it’s certainly the sort of problem that could happen to you!

John will explain how malvertising works, why crooks love it, and what we can do to stamp it out.

Register now!

Miss yesterday’s webinar? Listen now to Sophos VP of Product Management, John Shaw, give incisive commentary on the Great Backdoor Debate: “Can you strengthen security by weakening it?”