Sophos News

Can you strengthen security by weakening it? [Security SOS Week]

Every day this week, Sophos’s top security gurus will be stepping up to the microphone to share their expertise with you, free of charge.

In each 30-minute webinar, Naked Security’s very own Paul Ducklin will be interviewing our experts to help you cut through the jargon and understand the real issues in computer security today.

Each webinar will take place at 2pm UK time (14:00 UTC), and will consist of about 20 minutes of live interview, followed by 10 minutes of questions and answers.

Today’s webinar: Can you strengthen security by weakening it?

Today, Paul Ducklin is talking to John Shaw, Sophos VP of Product Management.

You’re in a dilemma: some regulators want stronger security for the data you hold on customers. But other regulators want to make it easier to catch the Bad Guys by weakening the very technologies – such as encryption – that make it easier to protect the Good Guys.

You want to tighten up network security to reduce the risk of a data breach. But your users want to use their own phones and laptops – at work and at home – to access the company network.

What to do?

Join us today as John and Paul explore both sides of the argument to help you make up your mind: can you strengthen security by weakening it?

Register now!

Did you miss yesterday’s webinar on ‘Social Engineering – when charming crooks talk to helpful users’? Catch up now!