Sophos News

Catch up on our Security SOS interview – “Social Engineering”

This week, we’re running a series of podcast-style live webinars entitled “Security SOS“. These webinars help you to get your head around what makes cybercriminals tick, and how you can defend against them.

The topics run from the perils of social engineering, through backdoors, malvertising and cybercrime toolkits, to the pitfalls of the Internet of Things.

Unlike traditional webinars with 30-45 minutes of Powerpoint slides delivered in the style of a conference presentation, we’re running these rather like a half-hour science discussion show on BBC Radio 4 in the UK, or on NPR in the US.

These webinars aren’t product demos or sales pitches, but instead a chance to listen to five different Sophos experts talk in a refreshingly jargon-free style about topics that are a personal passion, rather than just a “day job.”

Today’s webinar was the first in the series, featuring Ross McKerchar, Global IT Security Manager at Sophos, discussing social engineering.

That’s where a crook does an end-run around the technological barriers you have in place by calling up or emailing your well-meaning colleagues and tricking them into giving out more information than they’re supposed to.

Far from being jaded and cynical, and miles away from the traditional concept of an IT security manager as “The Guy That’s Paid to Tell You ‘NO’,” you’ll find Ross to be informed, understanding and a big fan of bringing out the best in everybody.

Here’s what some of today’s attendees said after the webinar:

To the last commenter, here’s the good news…

…today’s recording is now available on GoToWebinar. (Your email address will be requested.)

LISTEN NOW: Security SOS – Social Engineering ►

Listen, enjoy, and don’t forget there are four more fascinating webinars to go!