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Android catches up with the year before last! [Chet Chat Podcast 235]

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Sophos Security Chet Chat – Episode 235 – Mar 10, 2016

Join Sophos security experts Chester Wisniewski and Paul Ducklin for the latest episode of our regular security podcast.


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I have a question about backups to USB drives. On my network I use a hybrid cloud backup system since the agency work for is required by law to have an off site backup. But I also do local backups to external USB hard drive. If I eject the drive but do not physically disconnect the drive from the server, are the drives still susceptible to ransomware? Can the malware remount the drive? Thank you.


I’d disconnect the drive physically, just because an air gap is safer than a software switch :-) If malware has the right privileges it can mount and unmount drives that are known the operating system, e.g. on Mac OS X by using diskutil mountDisk command…


Your mention so many Androids being behind on versions, here’s another reason.
I have a note 3 that I use as a laptop/tablet, (paid in full for it) since I don’t have a SIM google blocks updates. Just makes me not want anything to do with google.


I’ve never had any trouble updating my Nexus 7 2012 over Wi-Fi. Well, I didn’t until Google quietly stopped producing updates for it at all about a year ago. I then swtiched to Cyanogenmod until the battery discharged itself for the last time. It’s a paperweight now.


I dont know if you guys will like this or not, but I have just bought a brand new surface pro and I love it. Just wanted to see what you guys thought of it?


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