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Happy holidays from Naked Security!

Christmas tree. Image courtesy of Shutterstock.

We’re about to go off on our Christmas break so you might notice the site is a bit quieter than usual. But we’ll be back next year, recharged and ready to keep bringing you the latest security news, opinion, advice and research.

Now is probably a good time for me to remind you to make sure you’ve followed all our advent tips.

And if you’re responsible for IT security in your house, remember that yesterday we wrote about the new free Sophos Home which allows you to centrally manage your family’s PCs and Macs. If you tell us what you think about it – good or bad – then we’ll put you in the draw to win a $20 gift card for the Sophos Store.

Thanks for reading and contributing to our site this year. We always love to hear any feedback you have so please do comment on this article, or send us an email to You can also send us any story ideas to the same address – we’re always keen to hear what you’d like us to write about.

If you’re celebrating over the next few weeks, have an excellent time. And remember, stay secure!

Image of christmas tree courtesy of Shutterstock.

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