Here are the top stories from the past week so you can catch up with what you missed!
Watch the top news in 60 seconds, and then check out the individual links to read in more detail.
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Monday 5 October 2015
- LinkedIn set to pay $13 million compensation over its email persistence
- South Korea: Medical data delivers yet another identity crisis
- Cryptocurrency startup Gemcoin busted for alleged $32m Ponzi scheme
- 15M users breached? Nah, just an "isolated incident." 60 Second Security
Tuesday 6 October 2015
- Google issues Android patches for Stagefright 2 (for some users)
- Reddit launches Upvoted – a site where you can't upvote or comment on stories
- Peeple goes into hiding to retool the app
- Safe Harbor agreement ruled invalid by top EU court
- Facebook glitch leads to marriage
- Virginia Tech ex-student pleads guilty to Yik Yak massacre threat
- Going to IP EXPO this week? Want a free T-shirt?
Wednesday 7 October 2015
- Your identity is secured by TWO Caesar ciphers! [Chet Chat Podcast 217]
- Google: 30% of wireless calls to 911 emergency services are butt dials
- Phone thieves facing stiffer sentences if victims lose photos
Thursday 8 October 2015
- The malicious side of online ads – how unpatched servers hurt us all
- Jury finds journalist guilty of aiding Anonymous in media hacking case
- Threatening to post a sex tape on Facebook isn't a crime, US court rules
- Will the Clean Software Alliance save us from the scourge of unwanted software?
- Facebook relents: 'Something Long and Complicated' is NOT a fake name
Friday 9 October 2015
- Obama opts for "good cop" approach with encryption backdoors
- Blackshades webcam voyeur spared jail over stolen webcam images
- Don't fall for phishing and spear-phishing – stay #CyberAware!
- What you sound like after a data breach
- Practical IT: How to create a culture of cybersecurity at work
- Facebook's 'Dislike' button unveiled, and it's :-O !
- Are you (inadvertently) selling your personal data on eBay?
Monday 12 October 2015
Weekly podcast
Listen to the week’s Sophos Security Chet Chat podcast:
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Image of days of week courtesy of Shutterstock.
marten g
Can we have an option to just receive the Monday review e-mails instead of every day?