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Look! A Fraud Fighting Ferret! [Chet Chat Podcast 212]

Chester Wisniewski is back from Down Under to resume our podcast series. From fraud-fighting ferrets to a convicted "Spam King" - enjoy!

Sophos Security Chet Chat – Episode 212 – Sep 2, 2015

Chester Wisniewski is back from Down Under to resume our podcast series, the Chet Chat.

In this episode, Chester talks to Paul Ducklin about: Ashley Madison, salting-and-hashing, the FTC, the future of Flash, and the criminal conviction – at last! – of the “Spam King”, Sanford Wallace. Oh, and about fraud-fighting ferrets…


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In this episode:

• [00’16”] Fiscal the Fraud Fighting Ferret
• [03’00”] Ashley Madison data breach
• [04″33″] What Ashley Madison got right
• [06’18”] Wyndham Hotels data breach judgement
• [10’39”] Google Chrome to “block” Flash ads
• [11’15”] Amazon bans Flash ads
• [13’15”] Sanford “Spam King” Wallace convicted

Other podcasts you might like:

• Chet Chat 211 – A virus on a *Mac*? Is NOTHING sacred?
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• Sophos Techknow – Malware on Linux – When Penguins Attack

Because we could:

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