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You’ll never need to say “I’m on a train” again – 60 Sec Security [VIDEO]

Here's our latest "60 Second Security" security news roundup video - fun with a serious side.

Got a minute to spare?

Watch this week’s 60 Second Security

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In this episode:

• [0’05”] Phones’ accelerometers allow you to be tracked
• [0’20”] Android M will give app users a lot better control
• [0’37”] Latest APWG phishing study is out


Dear Paul

Thank you for another excellent 60 Second Security.

I always find it clarifies previous posts………and this time it made me go back and re-read the article you posted on June 2nd and see something I had overlooked before.

I always follow the 3 L’s…..Lock Screen, Lock Code, and Location Services always off. On IOS its instantly back if I need it!. But I was wondering when I lock my iPad at night and also switch off wifi, etc……is it overkill to turn on Airplane Mode on my IPad?

Also did I hear in the background…….that famous Austrian-American saying…..I’m Back!

Thank you, sincerest wishes



I use Airplane mode a lot because turning it on not only quickly turns all radio features off (including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and so on) but also extends the battery life a fair bit.

But it does mean that making an emergency call could be tricky…so I have a standalone $9 mobile phone weighing just 60g for my calls and SMSes, which has a long battery life anyway because it’s a phone – _just_ a phone, if you can believe in such a thing, not a laptop surrogate phablet-type device :-)


Dear Paul

Thank you for your reply and suggestion. Yes, tried switching my iPad to Airplane mode for last 5 hours……no change to battery usage 😊.

I too have an old simple phone just to make or receive calls when out, but yours sounds better and lighter.

My local tram which I frequently travel on provides ” free” wifi……just as good as a coffee shop I reckon….so I’ll just use my simple phone.

Thanking you, Rosie


just read my reply here………and realise that it reads like a criticism, where it says no change to battery usage!

This was to be a positive…….meaning that the amount showing as available did not go down like it usually would.

I meant no offence……..just didn’t express it well.

Sincerely, Rosie


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