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Get into RSA 2015 for free, hear eye-opening talks!

It’s that time of year again!

The annual RSA Conference in San Francisco is next week, starting on Monday 20 April 2015.

The event takes place in San Fransisco’s Moscone Center, and combines the year’s biggest computer security conference with the year’s biggest computer security expo.

Full conference delegates also get access to the expo (trade show), but what if you’re in the area, and just want to drop in on the expo?

You can do exactly that for free! Be our guest!

Just head over to the RSA 2015 registration page, click on [Register Now] and use the registration code X5SSOPHOS.

That’s X-Ray Five Sierra SOPHOS:

How to find us

You’ll find Sophos at Booth #3201 in the North Hall.

By the way, don’t be shy to stop by and say, “Hi.”

Naked Security contributors Chester Wisniewski and John Shier will be delighted to meet you…

…and, better yet, they’re giving regular presentations, right on our booth.

If you’ve not attended Sophos booth talks before, you’ll be more than pleasantly surprised.

These are not your typical trade show product promotion sessions: you will hear presentations of academic quality, delivered in a conference style, with not a juggling unicyclist in sight.

Better yet, the talks are repeated regularly, so you can stop by any time.

You can read more on the RSA 2015 conference page on the main Sophos website, but here’s what you’ll learn from our booth experts:

Chester Wisniewski: When Penguins Attack
Linux’s role in the malware ecosystem

The myth about there being no Linux malware is long busted. In fact, you could call Linux the engine room of modern malware-based cybercrime. This talk will show you why, and teach you to avoid being part of the problem.

Chester Wisniewski: Card Theft Exposed
Malware, chips, taps, and stripes

A live demo showing how crooks attack and acquire payment card data they can use or sell on to others. Fascinating, eye-opening stuff. Don’t miss this one.

John Shier: MalMen
When advertising gives you more than you bargained for

Fancy yourself as a safe surfer and a smart judge of good and bad sites? You probably are. But what if the third party ads go rogue on on a trusted site you use all the time? Let John teach you how to be a *really* safe surfer.

John Shier: Exploit This!
Exploit kits provide equal opportunity crimeware that’s cheap and easy to use

Exploit kits don’t just attack your browser, they work out the smartest way to do it in real time, and sell the attack to the highest-bidding crook. You must see this live demo: you’ll never miss a patch again!

Free entry, free talks, and fun people to talk to.

What’s not to like?

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