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The Dark Web: anarchy, law, freedom and anonymity

Any notion that the Dark Web will be allowed to flourish as a vast, lawless space without a serious challenge is fantasy. The question is, what balance of surveillance and darkness are we prepared to tolerate on the web?

Law on the frontierThe Deep Web, the bit of the World Wide Web that’s not indexed by search engines like Google and Bing, is of intense interest to people who want to avoid government spies and law enforcement.

It is a lawless cyber-frontier with similarities to the Old West; it is intrinsically neither good nor bad but it holds particular attraction for pioneers because its resources haven’t been fully explored, and it holds particular attraction for criminals because they can get away with doing things there that they can’t do elsewhere.

Like the Old West when it was everything west of the Mississippi river, the Deep Web appears to be larger than the territory that’s already been settled but genuine outposts of activity are probably quite sparse and widely separated.

For the most part, the fact that sites in the Deep Web don’t appear in Google results is a reflection of Google’s commercial priorities and indexing methods rather than anything sinister.

Most of the Deep Web is dark for the same reason that the Old West was dark – it hasn’t been worth anyone’s while to install good lighting.

A small corner of the Deep Web is really dark though – so dark that it’s called the Dark Web – because fundamental things like who you are and where you or the website you’re using is located are a secret.

This is the domain created by tools like Tor and I2P that provide ways to interact that are difficult to discover, and are anonymous and untraceable.

The Dark Web is many things to many people – it can be a safe haven and a secure communication channel for spies, citizens, journalists and whistle-blowers for example – but for the worst criminals it is the safest place to conduct their business online.

It attracts people who want to engage in things like robbery to order, sex trafficking, arms trafficking, terrorism and distributing child pornography.

How to combat those people is a huge challenge for law enforcement but, just as it was in Oregon and the Black Hills, their arrival is inevitable.

A report published by the Global Comission on Internet Governance entitled The Impact of the Dark Web on Internet Governance and Cyber Security proposes six areas that law enforcement efforts should focus on.

The paper is written by a couple of heavy hitters; Michael Chertoff has been a judge in the US Court of Appeals and was secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security from 2005 to 2009. Co-author Tobby Simon is president of The Synergia Foundation, a think tank focused on geo-economics and geo-security.

Although their report is deliberately focused on the negative impact of the Dark Web they offer an even-handed view, describing it in non-judgemental terms and detailing both its capacity to save lives and the extreme criminality that finds safe haven in it.

Their words on anonymity are worth repeating at length, to put their later recommendations in context:

Like any technology, anonymity can be used for both good and bad purposes. Many people do not want the things they say online to be connected with their offline identities. They may be concerned about political or economic retribution, harassment or even threats to their lives...

For these individuals and the organizations that support them, secure anonymity is critical. It may literally save lives. While the undesired effects of Tor must be recognized, the complexities and varied situations should make us suspicious of sweeping imperatives. Policies should be crafted to specific contexts.

Their recommendations to security agencies all focus on monitoring and reconnaissance, reflecting the fact that the signature problem of the Dark Web at this stage is still just finding out what’s going on (rather than who is doing it.)

Their recommendations, with my interpretation of what they meant, are listed below:

  • Mapping the hidden services directory

    Like the regular Web of old there isn’t a great way to find out what’s on the Dark Web, although that is slowly changing.

    Finding out what’s actually out there is naturally a first priority and that means collating the information contained in the distributed hash tables that act as domain databases on networks like Tor. The paper suggests doing this by becoming part of the network: “it is possible to deploy nodes in the DHT to monitor requests coming from a given domain.”

  • Customer data monitoring

    This is about security agencies monitoring customer data from the regular web to spot ‘non-standard domains’. The paper states that “This can be done without intruding on the user’s privacy as only the destinations of the web requests need to be monitored and not who is connecting to them.”

    The source for this data is not discussed but if you’re reading this you probably don’t need telling that your every day web activities are open to a great deal of logging and storage (legitimate and otherwise). The FBI, for example, has had specialist tools for doing this going back to Carnivore in 1997 and before.

  • Social site monitoring

    Regular websites like Pastebin are used to exchange information about new Dark Web sites and monitoring them could be a way to discover what’s new in the darkness.

    The paper doesn’t mention Facebook in this context but elsewhere it quotes Robert Hannigan, director of GCHQ, who said that tech giants like Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp have become the “command-and-control networks of choice for terrorist and criminals.” I can’t imagine they’d be left out of any monitoring.

  • Hidden service monitoring

    Because of the volatile nature of some hidden services, the paper’s authors regard it as “essential to get a snapshot of every new site as soon as it is spotted” simply because it might not be around for very long or may disappear and reappear under a new name.

  • Semantic analysis

    Once a hidden service has been discovered it needs to be understood and properly categorised.

    Since the number of sites is likely to be enormous, the discovery, analysis and categorisation has to be automatic. To be properly understood, sites will need to be analysed in terms of the concepts and relationships they represent and not simply the words they contain.

  • Marketplace profiling

    Profiling transactions made on the Dark Web will allow agencies to build up a picture of what goods are exchanged and by which sellers and buyers.

    You might not be able to tell who a buyer is but you may be able to understand what activities a particular anonymous buyer or site has been involved in.

The report does not mention Memex, the Deep Web search tools created by DARPA that were revealed this week. Memex is mapping sex trafficking sites on the Deep Web with some success and it is perhaps a practical example of how mapping and semantic analysis might be done.

The paper provides an interesting insight into how the content of the Dark Web, not just the technology, makes life difficult for law enforcement:

...crawling the clear internet is usually an operation involving the retrieval of resources related to a site, this is not recommended in the Dark Web. There is the possibility of automatically downloading content such as child pornography, the simple possession of which is considered illegal in most countries.

The report is measured in its description of the Dark Web – to my eyes it does not seek to demonise, only describe the criminality that is the concern of the report.

The recommendations are logical but anyone who has read about the spying methods revealed by Edward Snowden will read them coloured by that knowledge.

In particular, it’s difficult to read the suggestions about customer data and social site monitoring without thinking of the NSA and its secret dragnet surveillance.

That thought is chilling – methods matter.

The paper exposes our most modern dilemma, writ large again; I want personal freedom, I want encryption, I don’t want dragnet surveillance but I don’t want safe havens for paedophiles or sex traffickers either and I don’t want to have to make an absolute trade between any of those things.

The Dark Web isn’t intrinsically bad, nor criminal, but it’s folly to deny that alongside its ability to protect privacy and save lives, it is a magnet for extreme criminality.

As police forces get better at prosecuting cross-border crime on the regular web, it’s likely to become an ever more popular place for criminals to do business too.

Some people will react to that challenge by hiding their head in the sand, insisting everything is fine and claiming that people like me are just demonising the Dark Web.

History will brush them aside.

Any notion that the Dark Web will be allowed to flourish as a vast, lawless space without a serious challenge is fantasy.

The rest of us have to grapple with reality – what balance of surveillance and darkness are we prepared to tolerate on the web?


“The rest of us have to grapple with reality – what balance of surveillance and darkness are we prepared to tolerate on the web?”

It seems clear that you are quite happy to trade liberty for security, what a shame. And all your concessions will not stop any of the activities you cite, they will merely give those that would control us more power.

And history will be written how good won out over the forces of darkness….snort.


Yes, I am happy to trade some liberty for some security – it’s a continuum, not a binary choice.

To far on the continuum one way and you have totalitarianism (say North Korea), the other and you have anarchy (say Somalia).

You’re telling me I have to choose between North Korea and Somalia. I’m saying I’d rather live in Canada.


I have to agree with both of you… I am ***not*** happy to trade liberty for security but I recognize the need to find the evildoers on the internet (though one doesn’t need the Dark Net for that), so I choose (reluctantly) to live with it.


Damn… North Korea, Somalia or Canada. Can I have a 4th option please? Maybe heavy civilian over-site of a very limited service monitoring program. With Iron clad protections for whistle blowers because we all know for a fact that any version of these services will be perverted and abused. With respect to the good old USA whistle blowers have been hunted and retaliated against in recent years to an extent never seen before in our history. Makes me nauseated to even think of having to choose between saving trafficked children and protecting free speech in a post 9/11 world. I wish I could have your optimistic view of the world Mark. I actually envy you man :-(


OK, now we’re talking, but you read too much into what I said (or I said it badly) if you think I’m optimistic.

I just stating what I want (rather than expect) in the hope of sparking a conversation about the Dark Web that actually reflects the way we make decisions in reality – we continuously trade off areas of grey to reach a situation we can live with and almost never live at extremes.


Fella, Somalia is not anarchy. Somalia is a failed state. You are however 30 times less likely to be murdered in Somalia than Detroit, but that is a separate matter isn’t it? Anarchy is the absence of rulers which does not automatically equate to a rule-free wild west.

As to your statement: “Any notion that the Dark Web will be allowed to flourish as a vast, lawless space without a serious challenge is fantasy”; I counter that any notion it can be stopped is fantasy. This is not the final form of the dark web. Every attempt by government to filter or stop it will result in innovation. Wild-nets will grow that do not rely on existing tapped internet backbones. Encryption absent government backdoors will be developed. If need be hardware will be manufactured without government mandated susceptibility.

People are fed up with the nanny state. Those that believe the nanny state valid need only open their eyes to see it crumble all around them.

Government cannot win in the face of open eyes.


Another excellent entry in the series on the Dark Web. Very well done. I agree completely that we are not facing binary choices here, and I believe that the secret to success lies in finding and maintaining the proper balance. Yeah, that’s gonna be tough, but it’s essential.


One cannot trade SOME liberty for SOME security. That is a fallacy too many actually think occurs. What you do not realize is that there is no security at all. You are actually trading privacy Rights of many for your own loss of of privacy. in exchange for everyones Liberty. Law enforcement does just that:enforces laws and it actually adds more danger as well. If one person decides they want security on the ‘Net and laws are passed then everyone is subjected to loss of 4th Amendment Rights. Police provide no security to you or myself. We all need to protect ourselves. You place less value on Liberty while your “security ” is actually just vapor. They use crimes against children to bring out the maximum ire. Molesters are not on the Internet looking for sex with children, they are on the street, in your neighborhood and in positions of trust where children are around. Law enforcement wants the busts that net them large profits. Molesters are a red herring.
Every time a Right is circumvented it is not challenged by any attorney because the Federal Courts never or rarely lose a case. They use YOUR tax dollars to screw YOU. Your only security is The Bill of Rights, there is nothing else. Think it through very carefully before you acquiesce to the hired guns and their handlers. They are liars that are never questioned but it is only a matter of time now as everyone has grown tired of The War on Drugs and its mounting casualties while drugs stay widely available and cheaper than ever. 2.3 million Americans in prison and only 5% are violent felons. The rest are the victims of your “security”. and have no Liberty at all..
You want to have your cake and eat it too but it does not work that way. Give up a Right and it is gone forever or until you replace government which is unlikely due laziness and ignorance. (and fear).


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