Sophos News

Cut out the stress – try Sophos Cloud for free

When it comes to job stress, IT admins probably rank near the top. In the United States, a big majority of IT workers say they’ve had just about enough – according to a recent survey by GFI Software, 79% say they are looking to leave their jobs.

IT admins in the UK are only slightly better off – 68% say they want out of their jobs.

But should we really be surprised? Overly-complex systems and constant demands from users for new devices and services could be a big contributor to stress. We’ve got a simple solution — Sophos Cloud.

Cloud-based, cloud-managed security as a service makes controlling users and all their devices a much simpler task.

Too often the big security vendors design their products with the enterprise in mind, so admins at small and mid-sized businesses become overwhelmed with reports that take whole teams of security specialists to analyze.

Whereas a really big company might have an IT staff of hundreds, yours might have only one.

We’ve seen what problems arise from complexity. In the case of the costly breach of Target late last year, warnings from a million-dollar security system went unheeded and the opportunity to prevent the breach was lost in a stream of alerts.

Target’s failure cost millions of dollars to the business and to consumers, and it eventually cost the CIO and CEO their jobs.

Try to imagine how stressful that would be!

Businesses and IT managers have a better choice. Try Sophos Cloud for free.

About Sophos Cloud

There’s no server to install and the management console is hosted in the cloud. So, you’ll be up and running in just 60 seconds.

Presentation: Why Simple Security Is Better Security