Canadian government invites small businesses to “Get Cyber Safe”

getcybersafeIf you own, or run security for, a small business, we’d like to point out a great resource for you. The Canadian government has released a new guide for small businesses on how to Get Cyber Safe.

It’s loaded with tips, from keeping safe on the web, to protecting your data in email, cloud storage, and on mobile devices, and has guidelines for improving point-of-sale security.

As we’ve pointed out before, small businesses aren’t immune to the threat of cyber attacks. In fact, cybercriminals are actively targeting small businesses. We highly recommend checking out the Get Cyber Safe website (in English or French). And we have a bunch of other great tips and training resources we can offer you.

Small business security

A lot of small businesses are tempted to rely on free security software. We understand why: Most security vendors seem to ignore smaller businesses and their needs in favor of enterprise-level offerings that are overly complex.

To help you understand small business security needs, we put out a new whitepaper explaining how a cloud-based security platform is simpler to use and manage than typical enterprise security products. Download the whitepaper Simple Security Is Better Security for more information (registration required).

Security tips and training resources

If you’re not an expert at IT security, we can help you get up to speed on all the terms you hear but might not completely understand. Our Threatsaurus A-Z Threat Guide defines common terms in simple-to-understand language. It also explains security software and how it works. And it offers tips on how to avoid malware and spam, stay safe on the web, secure your mobile devices, and create safe passwords.

We have other tips to offer in our free IT Security DOs and DON’Ts training toolkit, which you can use to educate your workforce about security best practices.

And we regularly offer security tips in our whitepapers, on our social networks and forums, and on our blogs: here at Sophos Blog, Sophos Security Insights at Dark Reading, and at our award-winning Naked Security.

Learn more about Sophos Cloud

Sophos Cloud delivers security as a service, simplifying IT management while providing comprehensive and effective security. Functionality can be expanded over time as business requirements change. It’s a cost effective solution for growing businesses. Sign up to get a free trial today.