Sophos News

Virus Bulletin certifies our anti-spam for 22nd time

Our Sophos Email Appliance has passed yet another Virus Bulletin test. For the 22nd test in a row, we’ve been certified in the September 2013 VBSpam comparative review.

To win a VBSpam award, we had to submit to a test that includes two live streams of spam as well as a stream of legitimate email from international sources. Certification means the value of the spam catch rate minus five times the false positive rate must equal at least 98.

Going back to March 2010, we have a record of 22 Pass and 0 Fail in VBSpam tests. You can see the archive of our test results here. And you can compare our results with that of other vendors by going here or by checking out the test quadrant here (JPG).

Our email security gives you email encryption, data loss prevention, malware protection and anti-spam all in one Email Appliance that’s easy to use. Learn more here.